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Section 8
This content is intended for
Social Workers, Couneslors, MFT's, and Psychologists

Question 8 | Test | Table of Contents

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Taylor, S. & Asmundson, G., J. G. (2004). Treating Health Anxiety: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach. New York, NY: The Guilford Press. 40-52.

Different Cognitive Behavioural Processes
Underpinning Reassurance Seeking in Depression
and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Smith, E., Carrigan, N., & Salkovskis, P. M. (2022). Different cognitive behavioural processes underpinning reassurance seeking in depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry, 77, 101774.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article References:
Brown, R. J., Skelly, N., & Chew-Graham, C. A. (2020). Online health research and health anxiety: A systematic review and conceptual integration. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 27(2), Article e12299.

Longyear, R. L., & Kushlev, K. (2021). Can mental health apps be effective for depression, anxiety, and stress during a pandemic? Practice Innovations6(2), 131–137.

Pollklas, M., Widemann, L., Lochschmidt, M., Plakhuta, A., & Gerlach, A. L. (2020). Cyberchondriasis: The effect of searching the internet on health concerns. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 228(2), 110–118.

Rask, C. U., Gehrt, T. B., Rimvall, M. K., & Frostholm, L. (2020). Health anxiety: Conceptualization and future directions. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 228(2), 141–144.

Stanley, I. H., Hom, M. A., & Joiner, T. E. (2017). Neither attention-seeking nor reassurance-seeking predicts duration or frequency of psychotherapy utilization. Stigma and Health, 2(4), 245–253.

Why are the effects of reassurance short-lived in people with severe health anxiety? To select and enter your answer go to Test.

Section 9
Table of Contents