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Course Article Questions The answer to Question 1 is found in Section 1 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 2 is found in Section 2 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question.

1. According to the World Health Organization, you should not refer to people with the disease as “COVID-19 cases,” “victims,” “COVID-19 families,” or “the diseased.” They should be referred to using what terms?
2. According to the National Center for PTSD: Self-care for COVID-19 healthcare workers can be complex and challenging, given that people in these roles may prioritize the needs of others over their own needs. What type of self-talk and attitudinal obstacles to self-care should be avoided?
3. For mental health providers experiencing vicarious trauma and anxiety regarding COVID-19, what are some ways to manage your anxiety?
4. What is the ‘ABC’ model of anxiety?
5. Television and the Internet, as well as other media, are rich sources of information and misinformation for patients with health anxiety and hypochondriasis. Internally, a person’s anxiety can be triggered by what?
6. What is the primary task facing the therapist treating a patient with health anxiety?
7. According to The Menninger Clinic Health Bulletin case study, another important aspect of the patient’s treatment was the use of acceptance and mindfulness. He was able to realize that his worries, ruminations, and obsessions functioned to give him what?
8. Why are the effects of reassurance short-lived in people with severe health anxiety?
9. Regarding parent-child interactions and Health Anxiety, early learning experiences arise from particular patterns of parent-child interaction that might predispose a person to develop excessive health anxiety as a child later in life. Learning experiences may exert their effects by shaping health-related beliefs and coping behaviors. What are the types of parent-child patterns that would affect the development of health anxiety?
10. The research literature, although limited to a small number of reports, suggests that any of us may succumb to MPI under the right conditions. Why is no one immune? 
11. To assess beliefs relevant to understanding health anxiety disorder, the clinician can ask the patient to describe a recent health anxiety episode. Systematic questioning is then used for what purpose?
12. An explanation of the benign bodily changes and sensations sources may be most credible if the patient and therapist discuss how beliefs, emotions, and bodily changes and sensations are interconnected. What are some examples?
13. What is double-sided reflection?
14. COVID-19 can cause intolerance of uncertainty. How might this be exhibited by your client?
15. What are types of Distancing Strategies to use with a health-anxious patient that strongly believes in their dysfunctional beliefs?
16. Health Anxiety may place patients and healthcare providers in the uncomfortable territory between medical care and mental health systems. Medical service providers may feel comfortable offering information about physical health and symptoms. However, what did they feel less comfortable doing?
17. What are different experiences your client may have regarding health anxiety depending upon the severity of their problem and their culture?
18. What are samples of thinking styles?
19. What are some examples of focuses that a client may experience illustrating attention bias?
20. What is a specific example of situational refocusing that might help the health anxious client?
21. What are examples of learning something about why your client may have had a setback?
22. What are specific examples of automatic thoughts?
23. Another term for GABA is what? 
24. What is an activity to use in conjunction with diaphragmatic breathing and muscle relaxation?
25. What are the steps to stop your panic thoughts?
26. What are the steps your clients might take when they are in the grip of strong anger, tension or worry sensations?


A. “It would be selfish to take time to rest.” “Others are working around the clock, so should I.” “The needs of survivors are more important than the needs of helpers.” “I can contribute the most by working all the time.” “Only I can do….”
B. “people who have COVID-19,” “people who are being treated for COVID-19,” or “people who are recovering from COVID-19.”
C. Alarms (A) are emotional sensations or physiological reactions to a trigger situation, sensation, or thought. The ensuing decision to act is made on the basis of beliefs (B); this, in turn, leads to coping strategies (C).
D. Work with your colleagues to prepare back-up plans for crisis management, set up peer supports, and connect with others in a similar situation. Set up communication to discuss the toll that vicarious trauma and anxiety is taking on you.
E. To make treatments acceptable to the patient and help the patient consider that his or her health worries, ruminations, obsessional thinking, and illness behaviors may be as much a source of the patient’s difficulties as the physical discomfort or undiagnosed medical illness.
F. His or her interpretation of bodily sensations.
G. Although there is little research in this area, there are several possible explanations. One is the calming effect of reassurance persists until the person notices more bodily changes or sensations. This can lead the health anxious person to wonder, “why would I be experiencing more symptoms if my doctor said I am healthy?”
H. The perception of safety and to protect him from feelings of vulnerability. Furthermore, he realized that his health fears kept him from things that mattered to him.
I. Humans continually construct reality and the perceived danger needs only to be plausible in order to gain acceptance within a particular group and generate anxiety.
J. Parental modeling, parental overprotection, and parental reinforcement.
K. Thinking that you have done something foolish or inappropriate, feeling embarrassed, blushing, sweating, and feeling hot all over, thinking that you can’t cope with work responsibilities, feeling anxious,> experiencing nausea and diarrhea, thinking that somebody has done something wrong to you, feeling very angry.
L. To identify what the patient regards as the worst part of the event, and why he or she thinks it is bad. “What was most upsetting about--?”; “Suppose-- did happen, why would that be bad?”; “If it was true, what would that mean to you?”; “What could happen if -- did occur?”
M. Refusing to accept that uncertainty is a part of everyday life and insisting that perfect certainty can and should be an obtained-for example, by insisting that “doctors must rule out all possible diseases” and “I must be completely certain that I’m healthy.”
N. The therapist voices arguments for and against a given issue using the linking word “and.” Such questions encourage the patient to examine the discrepancies between his or her beliefs.
O. Medical issues that may be ambiguous, and may delay intervention with the hope that the medical situation will become clear.
P. a. Observe, describe but don’t evaluate. b. Shift perspective. c. Labeling of cognitions.
Q. Catastrophizing, all or nothing, over-generalizing, fortune-telling, mind reading, mental filtering, disqualifying the positive, labeling, emotional reasoning, personalizing, demands, and low frustration tolerance.
R. Physical sensations, intrusive images, intrusive thoughts, worry, brooding, attentional processes, and behaviors.
S. This technique involves immediately refocusing your mind on the task you are involved in or on the environment around you whenever you notice that you are becoming self-focused. Practice being absorbed in a particular task, a conversation, or the environment around you.
T. Attention to the environment, how they feel, intrusive thoughts, misread words, and being vigilant for information.
U. Health anxious thoughts are often “automatic.” They are the first to pop into your mind and may be so quick that they occur outside of awareness. You probably do not question them; they seem logical and objective; you have trouble noticing them and identifying them as anything other than 100% true.
V. Encountering a previously avoided trigger; allowing yourself small amounts of rituals; discovering that you have been relying on certain conditions to do exposure and response prevention; and have become complacent about exposure and response prevention.
W. Use an image that represents letting go of tension, such as plunging your feet into the earth and sending negative energy out of your body, sending roots from your feet into the earth.
X. The brain’s “stop” signal is needed to slow down the firing of neurons in your brain. It balances the effects of neurotransmitters that act as the “go” signals.
Y. Write a list answering, "If I were angry, what would I be angry about? Then reflect on what it felt like writing the list and review the list for action items.
Z. Step one, search for the exact image of thought; and step two, ask yourself if this is like any other experience you have had.

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