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Section 16
TMH Safety Plans and Emergency Management

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This content is intended for
Social Workers, Couneslors, MFT's, and Psychologists

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Managing innovation: a qualitative study on the implementation
of telehealth services in rural emergency departments

Nataliansyah, M. M., Merchant, K. A. S., Croker, J. A., Zhu, X., Mohr, N. M., Marcin, J. P., Rahmouni, H., & Ward, M. M. (2022). Managing innovation: a qualitative study on the implementation of telehealth services in rural emergency departments. BMC health services research, 22(1), 852.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article References:

Barnett, J. E., & Kolmes, K. (2016). The practice of tele-mental health: Ethical, legal, and clinical issues for practitioners. Practice Innovations, 1(1), 53–66.

Bietz, M. J., Cheung, C., Rubanovich, C. K., Schairer, C., & Bloss, C. S. (2019). Privacy perceptions and norms in youth and adults. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, 7(1), 93–103.

Chen, C. K., Palfrey, A., Shreck, E., Silvestri, B., Wash, L., Nehrig, N., Baer, A. L., Schneider, J. A., Ashkenazi, S., Sherman, S. E., & Chodosh, J. (2019). Implementation of Telemental Health (TMH) psychological services for rural veterans at the VA New York Harbor Healthcare System. Psychological Services. Advance online publication. 

Lustgarten, S. D., & Colbow, A. J. (2017). Ethical concerns for telemental health therapy amidst governmental surveillance. American Psychologist, 72(2), 159–170.

Zonana, J., Simberlund, J., & Christos, P. (2018). The impact of safety plans in an outpatient clinic. Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, 39(4), 304–309.

What steps need to be part of your TMH Emergency Management Plan? To select and enter your answer go to Test.

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