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Videos of Lecture Questions The answer to Question 1 is found in Track 1 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 2 is found in Track 2 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question.

1. What did the speaker say was the solution for the little girl who was embarrassed about being on the reduced lunch plan?
2. What is a demerit according to the speaker’s school?
3. Why is it important to include joking and teasing in the definition of school violence?
4. What would be accomplished if no words were allowed on clothing at the speaker’s school?
5. What are the three main components of bullying that make it different from regular violence?
6. How can teachers ensure that students know and understand the school policy on bullying?
7. What were the two main messages that the story about Jennifer can get out?
8. What was a striking similarity between the two teens from the stories who committed suicide?
9. When discussing suicide, why would it be important to talk to students about accidents?
10. What is one reason why students should always be encouraged to tell an adult when they know bullying is happening?
11. What does the speaker emphasize to junior high-aged children in regard to their futures?
12. Using a checklist to see how often students witness and/or report bullying, teachers can get a feel for how much bullying happens. What is another outcome of these checklists?
13. How can situations where a student is being bullied by a teacher be handled?
14. An audience member mentioned that it is difficult to deal with elementary-aged girls who switch roles from bully to victim.  What did the speaker say could make the situation easier to handle?

A.  Bullying is intentional, repeated, and committed over time.
B. No intentional or unintentional sexual harassment could be blamed on the message displayed on clothing.
C. Students should be taught to be careful to avoid accidents, but they should also be instructed to try to help prevent tragedies like suicide.
D. They were both bright, academically-achieving students.
E. 1. It is important to make the students understand that they are responsible for making the school safe. 2. It is okay to be different.
F. If joking or teasing hurts feelings, even thought it can be played off as harmless, it is still mean or hurtful.
G. Students get to see what the seriousness of consequences for bullying is.
H. The speaker noted that the audience member seemed to be reactive to the individual situations instead of making a blanket statement about how bullying will not be tolerated.
I.  Another adult can make the bullying teacher aware that someone is concerned or get the child out of the situation by volunteering to take the student to the office.
J.  Parents, teachers, and counselors often do not know that a student is being bullied, but the student’s peers often know what is happening.
K.  Students read and sign a contract explaining the definition and consequences of bullying.
L. The counselors and PTO developed a 4-digit code for each student that parents could put money on so students on reduced lunch would be able to use the same system.
M.  "It’s all about choices.  Drugs, alcohol, misbehaviors, defying authority, it’s all about choices.  And if you don’t start making better choices now, it’s going to affect what you can or cannot do in high school and in life. So if you don’t like where you’re going now, choose something different."
N. Anything that a teacher feels is against school rules.

Course Article Questions
The answer to Question 15 is found in Section 15 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 16 is found in Section 16 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question.

15. What is Rigby’s definition of bullying?
16. According to Rigby, what are seven ways to prevent bullying by educating students?
17. According to Smokowski, what are the two subtypes of bullies?
18. According to Smokowski, what is a typical family background for a victimized child?
19. According to research which disorders most commonly are seen in bully-victims?
20. According to Frederick’s model, what behavior would an active student at Violence Level B exhibit?
21. What are Bemak’s six intervention principles for working with school bullies?
22. According to Rigby, what are four approaches to dealing with incidents of bullying in schools?
23. According to Smokowski, what is more effective in preventing bullying than focusing on the behavior to be eliminated?
24. What are Bernak’s three guiding principles for establishing trust and communication with a violent student?
25. According to Whitted, how can holding regular classroom meetings for students reduce bullying behavior?
26. What are five examples of different bullying preventions and responses?


A.  Parents may avoid conflict because they believe their child would not be able to cope. However, by avoiding conflict parents fail to teach their child appropriate conflict resolution skills.
B. Bernak’s three guiding principles are ‘watch thyself’, grounded speaking, and move slowly.
C. Bullying involves a desire to hurt + hurtful action + a power imbalance + (typically) repetition it + an unjust use of power + evident enjoyment by the aggressor + a sense of being oppressed on the part of the victim.
D.  Four approaches to dealing with incidents of bullying are, the use of sanctions, mediation, the no-blame approach, and the method of shared concern.
E. Having a simultaneous focus on constructing a positive context that is inconsistent with bullying and coercion is more effective than focusing on the behavior to be eliminated.
F. Oppositional-conduct disorder, depression, and attention deficit disorder and the most commonly seen disorders in bully-victims.
G.  The two subtypes of bullies are popular aggressive bullies, who do not encounter significant social stigma stemming from their aggression, and unpopular aggressive bullies, who are typically rejected or neglected by other children and may use aggression as a way to get attention.
H. Classroom meetings can help increase students' knowledge of how to intervene, build empathy, and encourage prosocial norms and behaviors.
I. At Level B, an active student displays inappropriate behavior that can involve other students, such as teasing or ridiculing another student publicly.
J. Encouraging cooperativeness, promoting empathetic feelings, modeling and rewarding prosocial actions, developing control over anger, teaching social skills, teaching students how to help others, and providing quality education.
K.  Bernak’s six intervention principles are: success, realistic goals, short-term interventions, teaming, culturally appropriate, and interdependence.
L.  educate staff and students about bullying; encourage parents to keep open lines of communication with kids about online and cellphone behavior; set up opportunities for students to meet new and different people; create rules, programs and policies that define expectations, promote community and address the bullying climate in your school; and host school events and activities that promote diversity

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Additional post test questions for Psychologists, Ohio Counselors, and Ohio MFT’s