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Barriers to Leaving Violent Relationships
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In the last section, we discussed the survival tools of:
recognizing signals of escalating danger, avoiding him if signals occur, deescalating
the situation, and escaping the situation; many battered women may need to protect
themselves from further harm, while they are in the "deciding to leave or
stay" stage.
In this section, we will take a look at the
factors that encourage battered women to postpone their decision to leave their
abusive situation. However, as you know, leaving may not always be in the battered
woman's best interest. Statistics from the Women's Advocacy Program indicate that
a battered woman's attempt to leave her abuser increases her chances of being
killed by her abuser by 75%.
With this in mind, have you found, like I, that there
can be three main Road Blocks that postpone a battered woman's decision to leave
her battering husband when safety is not an immediate concern?
3 Road Blocks to Leaving
♦ Road
Block # 1: Dangerous Self-Delusions.
Self-delusions are often a large
part of postponing decisions for battered women. Here's what I mean:
a 37 year-old mother of four had been with her husband Joel through 8 years of
abuse. Tonia stated, "The first time Joel hit me in the face, I thought,
'That's it. No man will ever hit me.' But, then I thought about the kids and all
the bills and figured it would be better to wait until the kids were grown up
and out of the house before I left. I mean, I don't want them to be one of 'those
kids' with split parents. So I'll just have to stay with him for now." Tonia
was in this fantasy world thinking that she would leave Joel, when she really
knew she never would. Thus, she was creating a dangerous self-delusion.
several sessions, Tonia felt a more realistic statement was, "I'll stay with
him, as long as he goes to counseling, or to AA meetings." Would it be appropriate
for your Tonia with a Dangerous Self-Delusion to be presented with the idea of
developing a specific goal statement in you next session?
♦ Road
Block # 2: Fear. As is true with most battered women, fear is another
reason many battered women will postpone their decision to leave. As you know,
some batterers cannot ever let go and will stalk their victim, using any means
possible to track her down.
Dana, a 51 year old paralegal,
"My husband, Jeremy, is an attorney and counselor for divorce law. He takes
pictures of battered clients and shows them to me, saying, "If you ever try
to leave me, you'll end up worse than the bitch in this picture!"
Jeremy was a part of the legal system, her Road Block to leaving was not only
physical fear, but fear of a corrupt legal system and lack of support for a restraining
order or from the police department. In a previous section, we have discussed the
prejudice against a domestic violence victim that has a mental or physical handicap.
♦ Road Block # 3: Loss of Financial Stability.
In addition to self-delusions and fear, a third Road Block to hurdle before Dana
left was the loss of financial stability. Statistics indicate that 50% of the
homeless women and children in the US are fleeing abuse.
created a certain level of financial stability for herself by not informing Jeremy
of a raise she had received, as well as any time she wrote a check for groceries,
writing it for more than the amount and getting the remaining in cash. Initially
she stored this money in a tampon box. Later she put it in a separate bank account
and was surprised to discover her husband had lied to her about her inability
to open a separate checking account.
♦ 7 Forms of Evidence Battered Clients Can Use
The book Lawyer's
Manual on Domestic Violence: Representing the Victim provides a list of seven
forms of evidence that battered clients can use. As I read these, think of your
Tonia or Dana and see if suggesting any of the 7 basic forms of evidence would
be appropriate for your next session with her to support their choice to leave
or to stay.
--1. Photographs of the injuries - Do you
need to suggest to your client to take photos not just the day of the incident,
but days later after more bruises and swelling appear to show the extent of the
--2. 911 Call Record - Do you need to remind your battered client
that his or her calls to 911 are recorded and could facilitate evidence in court?
Medical Records - Does your client need to be informed that his or her medical
records can determine whether the abuse is a misdemeanor or a felony?
Statements - Well documented interviews or a victim's statement in a police
report provide evidence of violence, threats or chicanery. I told Diana that Jeremy's
note begging for forgiveness attached to flowers can be used as chicanery.
Criminal Records - Do you need to inform your client that even though their
batterer's previous crimes cannot be admitted as evidence, they can show motive
and intent?
--6. Crime scenes and Photographs - Do you need to remind
your client that evidence recorded by the police, such as blood stains or broken
furniture can be submitted as proof of the incident?
--7. Taps and Tapes
- Would it be appropriate to suggest to your client to video tape stalking for
evidence and to make a back-up recording of answering machine messages?
it be beneficial to replay this section to review the 7 forms of evidence of photos,
911 call records, medical records, statements, criminal records, crime scene photos,
and video tapings, prior to your next session whether your client is considering
leaving or not ?
In the next section, we will discuss the Cycle of Addictive
Love that prevents you battered client from leaving and how information about
Nurturing Love can help.
Reviewed 2023
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article References:
Gortner, E., Berns, S. B., Jacobson, N. S., & Gottman, J. M. (1997). When women leave violent relationships: Dispelling clinical myths. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 34(4), 343–352.
Hardesty, J. L., Ogolsky, B. G., Raffaelli, M., Whittaker, A., Crossman, K. A., Haselschwerdt, M. L., Mitchell, E. T., & Khaw, L. (2017). Coparenting relationship trajectories: Marital violence linked to change and variability after separation. Journal of Family Psychology, 31(7), 844–854.
Metz, C., Calmet, J., & Thevenot, A. (2019). Women subjected to domestic violence: The impossibility of separation. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 36(1), 36–43.
South, S. C., Boudreaux, M. J., & Oltmanns, T. F. (2021). Personality disorders and intimate partner aggression: A replication and extension in older, married couples. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 12(1), 70–80.
Willie, T. C., Powell, A., Callands, T., Sipsma, H., Peasant, C., Magriples, U., Alexander, K., & Kershaw, T. (2019). Investigating intimate partner violence victimization and reproductive coercion victimization among young pregnant and parenting couples: A longitudinal study. Psychology of Violence, 9(3), 278–287.
What are three Road Blocks to be hurdled before many leave? To select and enter your answer go to .