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12 Question
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of Contents In the last section, we discussed the Five Points to consider when thinking about medicating an ADHD child. The Five Points to consider when thinking about giving an ADHD child medication were 1. the attitudes of the child and parents toward the use of medication, 2. the use of medication in the beginning is only a trial, 3. medication is not a cure, 4. some medications have contraindications, and 5. any child about to take psychotropic medications for ADHD should have a physical exam. In this section, we will discuss a guideline for effective home-school partnerships, and avoiding the obstacle of misunderstanding. When Carol, who was the mother of Alex, age 11 who was recently diagnosed with ADHD, first learned that her son had ADHD, she became determined to do all that she could to help him succeed in school. Carol stated, "I want to help Alex as much as I can. What’s frustrating is that his teachers treat me like I’m wasting my time. They act like I can’t do much to help him. But I’m his mother! Shouldn’t I be given credit for having at least some influence?" Sound like a problem one of your clients with an ADHD child is facing? ♦ Common Obstacles of Misunderstanding The parents may either underestimate or overestimate what the school can do to help the ADHD child, and the school may either underestimate or overestimate what the parents can do. I explained this to Carol and stated, "It seems that you are having problems with two common misunderstandings. You have said that the teachers don’t have much faith in your ability to help Alex, but you also haven’t placed much faith in their abilities to help him." To combat the underestimating problems between Carol and Alex’s teachers, I suggested to Carol that she try to establish a working relationship with Alex’s teachers based on mutual trust and respect. I stated, "Consider yourself an equal partner with the teachers in helping solve Alex’s academic problems." Carol looked frustrated and stated, "I’d like to, but I just don’t know how! I mean, what do I do to get the teachers to help me understand what I can do to get him to finish his homework?" ♦ 7-Step Technique: School Solutions I asked, "What classes
is Alex having the most problems completing homework for? What kinds
of assignments does he usually leave incomplete?" Carol answered, "I
think he probably has most of his problems with math homework and solving
problems. I usually have to help him with those." Carol answered, "I think it’s just
that Alex doesn’t use his time wisely. Then again, there are distractions
in his room when he does homework." I stated, "You should
also look at the extent to which factors may be working together to cause
the problem. You just said he doesn’t use his time wisely and that
there are distractions in his room. Are the distractions contributing
to his decisions to not use his time wisely?" Carol nodded, and
said, "I guess that’s possible." I stated, "Sometimes this is apparent in the fourth step of Choosing the Most Effective Strategy. However, if other tasks need to be done in order to implement intervention, they should be assigned in the fifth step.For example, if one solution is that Alex will come to school early for tutoring sessions, his teacher will obviously be responsible for being there to tutor. However, you will also have an additional responsibility – making sure Alex gets to school early enough for the tutoring sessions." I then
told Carol that the fifth step is also a good time to discuss how everyone
would evaluate the strategy after it has been tried. Do you have a client like Carol who is having problems creating a partnership with her ADHD child’s teachers? Would your Carol benefit from the "School Solutions" technique? In this section, we have discussed a guideline for effective home-school partnerships, avoiding the obstacle of misunderstanding. In the next section, we will discuss several five strategies for dealing
with ADHD children in the classroom. Those five strategies are 1. Thinking
ADHD, 2. Crisp Behavior Management, 3. Prevention, 4. Dealing with Parents,
and 5. Experimental Thinking.
Reviewed 2023 Peer-Reviewed Journal Article References:
Burns, G. L., Becker, S. P., Servera, M., Bernad, M. d. M., & García-Banda, G. (2017). Sluggish cognitive tempo and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) inattention in the home and school contexts: Parent and teacher invariance and cross-setting validity. Psychological Assessment, 29(2), 209–220. Langley, A. K., Gonzalez, A., Sugar, C. A., Solis, D., & Jaycox, L. (2015). Bounce back: Effectiveness of an elementary school-based intervention for multicultural children exposed to traumatic events. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 83(5), 853–865. Overgaard, K. R., Oerbeck, B., Friis, S., Biele, G., Pripp, A. H., Aase, H., & Zeiner, P. (2019). Screening with an ADHD-specific rating scale in preschoolers: A cross-cultural comparison of the Early Childhood Inventory-4. Psychological Assessment, 31(8), 985–994.
Patros, C. H. G., Tarle, S. J., Alderson, R. M., Lea, S. E., & Arrington, E. F. (Mar 2019). Planning deficits in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): A meta-analytic review of tower task performance. Neuropsychology, 33(3), 425-44.
Pelham, W. E. III, Page, T. F., Altszuler, A. R., Gnagy, E. M., Molina, B. S. G., & Pelham, W. E., Jr. (2020). The long-term financial outcome of children diagnosed with ADHD. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 88(2), 160–171. Pfiffner, L. J., Villodas, M., Kaiser, N., Rooney, M., & McBurnett, K. (2013). Educational outcomes of a collaborative school–home behavioral intervention for ADHD. School Psychology Quarterly, 28(1), 25–36. QUESTION 12 What are two examples of common misunderstanding obstacles? To select and enter your answer go to Test. |