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Course Transcript Questions The answer to Question 1 is found in Track 1 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 2 is found in Track 2 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question.

1. What are bodily systems for which you might provide alcohol education if your addicted client is receptive to being provided with the facts?
2. What are the key aspects of an addict’s relationship with the object of his or her addiction?
3. What are the common signs of the internal conflict between the parent, child, and adult sides of the addicts personality?
4. When do clients with addictive personalities encounter resistance?
5. What are the common myths that addicts believe about expressing feelings?
6. What are the steps of effective choice that an addict might use?
7. What are the main risks that addicts deal with in creating healthy relationships?
8. What can be main causes of relapse in addicts?
9. What can be the causes for an addict’s dream of dependency?
10. What are the forms of internal resistance that many addicts experience?
11. Why does the first step work for some of your clients?
12. Regarding step twelve, practicing these principles in all affairs, having clients who have been in recovery continue their involvement in the program as sponsors, according to Tessina, can work against the development of the client’s autonomy and independence in what ways?
13. What are the reasons addicts can become addicted to the program?
14. What does it mean to see yourself as a "family asset"?

The addict’s parents led them to believe someone would take care of them as adults, that their parents failed to teach them the skills necessary to take care of themselves, and that they never learned to feel capable of being responsible for themselves.
B. That they won’t be able to stop crying, that acknowledging grief and disappointment will damage them, that they will become impulsive or violent if they express anger, that expressing feelings will increase pain, and that feeling positive feelings will get them hurt.
C.  An object’s predictability, misplaced priorities, and confusion of intensity for intimacy.
D. The fear of pain or emotion, the fear of the inability to learn, failure and unworthiness, and the belief that success is impossible.
E. Paying attention to internal and external clues, using both intuition and practical reasoning, evaluating options and short-and long-term results, making a choice, committing to that choice, adapting to the unexpected.
F. The risk of letting others know who they really are, the risk of being honest about their desires and preferences, and the risk of being honest about what works for them.
G.  Interactions can replicate old toxic family habits; the member who your client sponsors may have emotional problems beyond your client’s knowledge; the process can put the sponsor in a powerful position emotionally; sponsoring and maintaining ongoing involvement in the program can be away of avoiding the challenges of life on the "outside"; not every addict is emotionally suited to be a sponsor.
H.  Your life does not belong to you, but to the family or group, and you have no legitimate entitlement to independent action.
I.  The nervous, digestive, and muscular systems.
J. When they attempt to change their behavior.
K. focuses on the addict’s denial.
L. Lack of healthy replacement habits, lack of information about functional living, lack of models for healthy relationships, replication of dysfunctional family patterns, and dependency on the group.
M. Leaving recovery programs prematurely, "dry drunk" behavior, lack of self-trust.
N. Feeling obsessive, compulsive, or addictive; procrastinating; fighting or arguing with others; depression; dissatisfaction; irritability; exhaustion; anxiety; tension.

Course Article Questions
The answer to Question 15 is found in Section 15 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 16 is found in Section 16 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question.

What percent of alcoholics achieve life-long abstinence with or without the AA approach?
16. In Alcoholics Anonymous, what is meant by "limited control"?
17. The "disease" of the addictive process is a metaphor for what things?
18. How does Alcoholics Anonymous redefine the term "practicing alcoholic"?
19. What are the 5 types of stories told by recovering addicts?
20. What irrational belief does Step 2 (I believe that a rational attitude about my life can restore me to sanity) challenge?
21. What are the principles to consider when planning a recovery program for multiple addictions?
22. What is the "ABC Method"?
23. What are the techniques used with the group of low-income African American women recovering from addiction?
24. Why do some middle-class respondents have the ability to naturally recover?
25. What are the extrinsic barriers to seeking substance abuse treatment among pregnant addicts?
26. The health care professional returning to work after addiction treatment will face what transitional back to work stressors?


A. Modern-day isolation and despair.
B.  It is not what happens to you (A) that causes your feelings and behavior (C). It is your beliefs, attitudes, and thoughts (B) about (A) that cause how you feel and act (C). You can change your thinking (B). These changes will alter how you feel and behave (C).
C. The respondents had relatively stable lives: they had jobs, supportive families, high school and college credentials, and other social supports that gave them reasons to alter their drug-taking behavior. They also had a lot to lose from addictive behavior.
D.  Fear of prosecution and incarceration, fear of loss of infant custody, violent or substance addicted partners, programs that do not allow mothers to take their children with them, and programs that are insufficiently equipped or unwilling to care for pregnant addicts.
E. The AA story, the personal growth story, the co-dependence story, the love story, and the mastery story.
F. 5%
G.  Using Gestalt experiments, engaging in prayerful homework and meditation, sharing powerful stories, discussing the lives of successful African American women, and exploring visual art.
H. This term is redefined as meaning an individual practicing a flawed way of life dominated by self-centeredness, superficiality in relationships with others, and spiritual bankruptcy, rather than having a disease or bad habit.
I.  "There is nothing I can do to help myself be a more sane, more happy, person."
J. The more realistic, and less frightening idea of not drinking "one day a time" instead of "not drinking forever".
K. It is best to give up all addictive drugs at the same time; the use of physically addictive substances may require medical supervision; the drugs best eliminated first are the most medically dangerous, most costly, or most heavily abused; drugs and behaviors highly connected are best eliminated together.
L. 17• Practice or licensure restrictions
• Fear of criticism or avoidance by colleagues
• Suspicions and mistrust of colleagues
• Self-imposed stress, such as over-working or trying to make up for past mistakes
• Personal stress from trying to meet work obligations

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Additional post test questions for Psychologists, Ohio Counselors, and Ohio MFT’s