Ethical and Cultural Issues Arising from the Psychology of Terrorism- 3 Credit Hrs.
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HC - Children Coping with Terrorism and Disasters: Diagnosis & Treatment Post Test

Audio Transcript Questions The answer to Question 1 is found in Track 1 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 2 is found in Track 2 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question.
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1.1 What ways are children exposed to terrorism, even if a parent doesn’t tell them about the event?
1.2 What are three important guidelines useful for parents who want to reduce the impact of the media of terrorism on their children under seven?
1.3 What are guidelines for children seven to ten years old regarding television viewing?
2.1 What middle school and high school students reported more symptoms of post traumatic stress do to terrorism attacks?
3.1 What may be a helpful technique to encourage children to ask their parents questions about their worries?
4.1 What are five questions children may ask about terrorism?
4.2 How might a parent answer a child’s question regarding feelings of safety and security?
5.1 What are examples of an emergency plan in the Emergency Plan technique to help a child cope with their feelings?
5.2 What are examples of questions that might help open up a conversation with your child regarding terrorism?
6.1 What are steps to the Acknowledging My Feelings technique to help a child with their fears?
6.2 When a child experiences fear, what are some things a parent can do that might have a long lasting positive effect on their child?
7.1 What are three symptoms of adjustment disorder include?
8.1 What are six aspects of traumatic exposure?
8.2 What are potential risk factors for stress reactions in children?
9.1 What are four behavior changes a parent might want to watch out for in their child?
10.1 What are two steps to provide additional details concerning emergency preparedness for parents of children over the age of seven?
11.1 What are three similarities common to all types of natural disasters?
12.1 What are three important concerns in treating children in recovery from a natural disaster?
12.2 What five elements might the trauma and grief focused therapy include?
12.3 What are six elements included in cognitive behavioral approaches?
12.4 After completing a cognitive behavioral program, what percentage of children might no longer meet the criteria for PTSD?

A. Turn TV off, take television out of child’s bedroom, choose educational television for the hours when the child is permitted to engage in television watching
B. Television, covers of magazines, newspapers, doctor’s office
C. Children who had a sibling injured or killed
D. Setting limits, watching news together, talk, encourage alternate activities
E. What is a terrorist? Why do terrorists act so crazy? Why do terrorists pick buildings with people in them? Why do terrorists say that God is telling them to attack people? Is it ok to hate terrorists?
F. News Conference technique
G. Tell child to tell you right away if they hear any news about bombings that might be around, so that she can be sure you know, get the family together to create an emergency response kit
H. You may want to tell the child that yes, adults worry too. You might explain to the child that you worry too and your worry is why you watch the news often. It let’s you know what’s going on. You may even carefully share some of the worries you have with them.
I. 1) An a calm voice, state your own fears b) tell your child one of the ways you manage your own fears c) offer suggestions to your child, referencing things you know have helped them in the past d) take an honest approach e) if you cant manage an issue, try letting someone take over
J. What do you know about that? What have you heard about that?
K. Depressed mood, anxiety, conduct disturbance
L. Listening, non avoiding, answering questions, providing comfort and support
M. Preexisting anxiety, depression ruminative coping style
N. 1) The presence or perception of a life threat 2) occurs when the trauma or disaster has led to the death of a loved one 3) loss of possessions 4) disruption of everyday life 5) duration and intensity of life-threatening events 6) proximity to the event
O. 1) Tell the child that there is a Department of Homeland Security, created to protect the whole country 2) wait to see how your child is processing this information, then conclude by asking, ‘Does this answer your question?’ or ‘Do you have some more things you would like to talk about?’
P. Difficulties, a change in personality, continual telling or playing out of the event, child losing interest in activities they normally enjoyed
Q. Specific obstacles in treating children recovering from natural disaster, interventions in the initial recovery period, interventions in the long-term recovery period
R. Cost and disruption, effects on families, effects on children
S. 1) Anxiety management training 2) relaxation training 3) anger coping 4) cognitive training for dealing with PTSD intrusions 5) developing a stimulus hierarchy that is based on traumatic reminders 6) narrative, gradual exposure to the trauma along with corrective information regarding distortions and misattributions
T. 57%
U. 1) Reconstruction and reprocessing the traumatic event 2) identifying traumatic reminders and assisting children with developing tolerance and increasing social support during and after the reminder 3) coping with stresses and adversities by encouraging proactive measures to cope with changes and losses resulting from the disaster 4) handling bereavement by helping the bereaved reconstitute a nontraumatic mental image of the deceased person 5) assessing developmental impact by identifying missed developmental opportunities and promoting normal development tasks

Course Content Manual Questions The answer to Question 22 is found in Section 22 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 23 is found in Section 23 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question

Please note every section does not have an additional question below. Some sections may have more than one question.


15.1 According to Goleman, what are five domains of emotional quotient?
16.1 When children are in school during an attack, school officials have to do everything possible to keep them safe. What are nontraditional ways that schools are also responsible for children?
17.1 What are four recommendations to better school procedures during an attack?
18.1 What might vengeful attacks by family members on perpetrators be extremely rare?
18.2 What are ordinarily nonthreatening stimuli that survivors may experience psycho physiological hyperstartle responses for?
18.3 What are six common psycho physiological disorders survivors might experience?
19.1 What are ways to include children in memorialization activities
20.1 According to Pullis, what are four symptomatic expressions for preschoolers?
21.1 According to Cook, when should therapeutic interventions be based with the school setting?
22.1 What might be important topics to discuss in step 2, ‘PTSD recovery education,’ of a successful reintegration recovery plan?
23.1 What are ways to help a child during therapeutic play?
24.1 What are three tools counselors might use in setting up a classroom for play and art work?
25.1 What might children experience after experiencing trauma?

A. Traveling to or from school via school or public transportation; before or after school programs at school sites; sporting events; field trips; Head Start programs; infants of teen mothers attending high schools; and even students who are dropped off before school hours for unofficial child care
B. a) Knowing one's emotions, (b) managing one's emotions, (c) motivating oneself, (d) recognizing emotions of others, and (e) effectively using social skills when interacting with others
C. First, to the sheer impracticability of getting at the killers, who, especially in high-profile terrorist cases, are invariably sequestered and protected; second, to the basic moral values and common decency of most families, who are typically not looking to correct one atrocity with another
D. a) Collaborate with the Secretary of Education to formalize partnerships at the federal, state and local levels, and coordinate activities to ensure that schools are fully integrated into preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation efforts b) add funds to the School Emergency Response to Violence Project contingency fund c) increase collaboration and linkage between Project SERV and The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration crisis counseling service d) train students, staff, and family members to be first responders
E. Lack of appetite, sleep disturbances, gastrointestinal problems, cardiovascular disorders, decreased resistance to infectious disease, and increase anxiety and depression
F. Crime shows on TV, shouting in the street or among family members, the sound of airplane engines, news stories about terrorism or any, even unrelated, accident or tragedy
G. Acting out or internalized behaviors, nightmares and disturbed sleep patterns, developmental regression, clinging behavior
H. Children can write poems, draw pictures, create a scrapbook, plant a tree, or create some other memorial
I. The recovery process, relapse prevention, coping skills and relaxation, epicycles in healing, the stress and possible symptomatic consequences of school reentry, the importance of self-monitoring
J. Only when: (a) comprehensive assessment has been completed; (b) it is determined that school-based support is the appropriate, least restrictive level of intervention; (c) parents have been informed of all treatment options; (d) the child is experiencing adequate adjustment and academic success with intervention; and (e) consultation, supervision, and referral are readily utilized by the school psychologist
K. (a) ‘Real life’ toys (e.g., a house with furniture, a sand tray, miniature figures, kitchen set with food, two telephones, a doctor kit, a cash register with money, stuffed animals, ambulances, police cars, airplanes); (b) energy releasing and stress reducing materials (e.g., a rope, pillows, squishy balls); and (c) creative expression materials (e.g., materials for making arts and crafts, a chalkboard or white board, musical instruments, dress up costumes)
L. Long periods of avoidance, and numbing
M. Let the child know you are interested in them, promise only what you can deliver, don’t say ‘everything will be OK,’ talk to the child face-to-face, use words they know, do something positive for them such as getting them water, washing their face, getting them into a warmer/cooler place