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Psychologist Post-Test

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1. Who are the Alaska Native People?
2. What does the Ahtna teach their children to prevent confrontation or disharmony?
3. Where do Eyak people live?
4. What is the motive of the government for the Native Allotment Act?
5. What does the term "subsistence" refer to?
6. What is the purpose of Alaska Native Health Board (ANHB)?
7. Departmental regulations, rulemaking, policy, guidance, legislative proposal, grant funding, formula changes, or operational activity that may have a substantial direct effect on an Indian Tribe, including but not limited to:
8. What is the purpose of "TERO" Tribal Employment Rights Opportunity?
9. Be prepared for distinct cultural differences. What are the General Preparation Guidance for Visiting or Working in Rural Alaska?
10. What is stated in the Departmental Manuals about Sacred Sites?
11. What are cultural customs?
12. What health disparity is 3 to 6 times higher among American Indian and Alaska Native than among their non-Native peers?
13. How does the large extended network of blood and traditional relationship ties safeguard American Indian and Alaska Native children in their development?
14. What are the psychological sets of culturally different clients?
15. What are the components of counselor credibility?
16. To what kind of approach do Native American or other culturally different clients typically respond best?
17. What are the stages of the Minority Identity Development Model?
18. In counseling a culturally different client with an External Locus of Responsibility, to whom is blame assigned?
19. How is fear expressed in culturally different clients?
20. What characteristics do interpersonal problem-solving communication models focus on?
21. What are the dimensions in the Personal Identity model?
22. According to Vontress, what themes reflect on how culture influences human existence? 


A. Based on the choice of the men, they lived in single and/or communal dwelling houses, in three main villages – Eyak, Alaganik, and Old Town. The village chief and his family occupied the rear of the communal house. There were two potlatch houses in each village, one for each moiety (tribal subdivision). The shaman and any attendants occupied a small house, in the middle of the village. Although there were fish camps, there were no family, moiety, or village rights over them.
B. Inpuiat; Yup’ik; Tlingit, Tsimshian, and Haida; Athabascan; Aleut; Alutiiq; and Eyak.
C. that their words would travel far and that they should think carefully before speaking. Social avoidance acted to prevent confrontation or disharmony among closely related people. If there was a dispute between two people, their families simply moved until the problem was less important.
D. The hunting, fishing and gathering activities which traditionally constituted the economic base of life for Alaska Native people.
E. to protect the indigenous population from encroachment by the fringe element of western civilization. 
F. Tribal cultural practices, lands, resources, or access to traditional areas of cultural or religious importance on Federally managed lands.
G. To promote the physical, mental, social, and cultural well-being of Alaska Native people.
H. Ask if you need to hire an interpreter. This will be an area-specific concern. To locate these services across the state, contact the respective regional corporation and/or the Alaska Native Heritage Center in Anchorage; Check the land status and do not trespass. Much of the land is privately owned; and etc.
I. Suicide
J. Establishes policy, responsibilities and procedures to accommodate access to and ceremonial use of Indian sacred sites and to protect the physical integrity of such sites consistent with EO 13007.
K. To promote employment for its members.
L. A particular group or individual's preferred way of meeting their basic human needs and conducting daily activities that is passed on through generations.
M. Expertise, trustworthiness, and similarity.
N. By monitoring behavior and ensuring their integration within the larger family group and the close intergenerational relationships also provide opportunities for elder members of the family to pss on tribal stories, songs, and practices that convey values by which to live.
O. The Conformity Stage, the Dissonance Stage, the Resistance and Immersion Stage, the Introspection Stage, and the Synergetic Articulation and Awareness Stage.
P. The Problem-Solving Set, the Consistency Set, the Identification Set, the Economic Set, and the Authority Set.
Q. Interpersonal problem-solving communication models typically focus on the characteristics of the communicators, modes of expressing (encoding) and receiving (decoding), and elements of verbal and nonverbal communication.
R. A direct, tangible approach.
S. Society
T. (a) self-hatred, (b) cultural differences, (c) historical hostility.
U. Fear is expressed rather than showing inner insecurity that inhibits the client from living in healthy ways.
V.  A - age, gender, culture, ethnicity, race, and language, B - represent the "consequences" of the A and C dimensions such as educational experience, & C - grounds us in historical, political, sociocultural, and economic contexts indicating that events of a sociopolitical, global, and environmental form have a way of affecting one's
personal culture and life experiences.

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