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Psychologist Post-Test

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1. What are the Strengths and Limitations of the National Crime Victimization Survey and the National Violence Against Women Survey?
2. What is the definition of NIJ Measures of Sexual Violence?
3. What is the definition of NIJ Measures of Physical Violence by Intimate Partners?
4. What are the conditions, the perpetrator’s course of conduct would meet the definition of stalking?
5. What is Expressive Aggression?
6. What are the four different forms of violence against American Indian and Alaska Native Women?
7. What are six areas that need to be studied further in order to understand alcohol use and abuse among Alaskan Natives?
8. What are the four types of emotional abuse that a batterer may use to groom his victim for future physical abuse?
9. What six areas described Carrie's "dog collar of contol"?
10. What are four implications of anger?
11. What are four ways to solve stress problems?
12. What are three ways to defuse a zinger?
13. At what stage will a minority client transfer anger and depreciation to a counselor from the dominant culture, now seen as an instrument of oppression? 
14. According to Kocet, what is the first attitude and belief a counselor should have in order to develop appropriate cross-cultural intervention strategies and techniques? 
15. According to Bruner, what are narratives?
16. According to Harley et al., what is at the core of the construction of racialized and sexualized hatreds and of socioeconomic meritocracy and classism? 
17. The Code of Ethics broadened the concept of family to include what?
18. What is an example of a Cultural Competence and Social Diversity knowledge base?


A. NIJ measure requires respondents to report that (a) they felt fear (any level of fear, from a little fearful to very fearful); (b) the perpetrator damaged their personal property or belongings, such as in their home or car; (c) the perpetrator made threats to physically harm them; or (d) they believed that they, or someone close to them, would be seriously harmed or killed.
. Completed forced penetration includes being made to receive vaginal or anal sex, being made to receive oral sex, being made to perform oral sex, and (for men only) being made to perform vaginal or anal sex when perpetrators used physical force or threats of physical harm.
C. This report provides what are currently the most detailed estimates of violence against American Indian and Alaska Native women and men. Despite these strengths, the survey has important limitations. Not all forms of violence were included in the survey. There are also limitations to the survey methods. The survey was conducted only by phone, in English or Spanish, and was not available in indigenous languages.
D. Sexual violence, physical violence by intimate partners, stalking, and psychological aggression by intimate partners. 
E. Includes (a) being slapped, pushed or shoved, and (b) severe physical violence. Severe physical violence includes being hit with a fist or something hard, being kicked, being hurt by having your hair pulled, being slammed against something, being hurt by being choked or suffocated, being beaten, being burned on purpose, or having a knife or gun used on you. Intimate partners include current and former romantic or sexual partners. This includes spouses, boyfriends, girlfriends, and people the respondents were dating, seeing, or hooking up with.
F. There is nothing inherently right or legitimate about anger, anger is an expression of stress, forget displacement and anger is a choice.
G. Includes instances when perpetrators acted very angry towards the victim in a way that seemed dangerous; told the victim that s/he was a loser, a failure, or not good enough; called the victim names like ugly, fat, crazy, or stupid; insulted, humiliated, or made fun of the victim in front of others; and told the victim that no one else would want him or her.
H. Time, space, body language, realities, motivations, ownership of problem.
I. Four ways to solve stress problems are identifying problems that cause stress, clarifying your goals, alternative strategies, and analyzing the consequences.
J. Genetics, quantity of alcohol consumed, behavioral and other factors, family violence, cultural factors, and treatment issues.
K. Resistance stage
L. Self-imposed supremacy by the dominant culture .
M. Belittling, mimicking, insulting, and ignoring.
N. Empathize, ask questions and paraphrase .
O. The concept of family was broadened to include any person from the perspective of the client who plays a central role in that person’s life.
P. Culturally skilled counselors respect clients' religious and/or spiritual beliefs and values about physical and mental functioning.
Q. Be able to demonstrate competence in the provision of services that are sensitive to clients' cultures and to differences among people and cultural groups.
R. The way that individuals use language to frame their experiences and memories. Narratives are used to help us understand reality and to understand self.

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