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This Volume of the ED COVID-19 Handbook is based on the most recent Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Guidance issued as of June 4, 2021. For the most recent CDC guidance issued after the release of this Volume – and how to consider the strategies included in this Volume within the context of the most up to date CDC guidance – please visit: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/colleges-universities/considerations.html
Chou, Wen-Y. S., Ph.D., M.P.H., Burgdorf, C. E., Ph.D., Gaysynsky, A., M.P.H. & Hunter, C. M., Ph.D. (December 2020). COVID-19 Vaccination Communication: Applying Behavioral and Social Science to Address Vaccine Hesitancy and Foster Vaccine Confidence. National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health (NIH), 1-9.
COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy:
Misinformation and Perceptions
of Vaccine Safety
Kricorian, K., Civen, R., & Equils, O. (2022). COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: misinformation and perceptions of vaccine safety. Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics, 18(1), 1950504.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article References:
Eitze, S., Heinemeier, D., Schmid-Küpke, N. K., Betsch, C., & Vaccination 60+ Study Group. (2021). Decreasing vaccine hesitancy with extended health knowledge: Evidence from a longitudinal randomized controlled trial. Health Psychology, 40(2), 77–88.
Geiger, M., Rees, F., Lilleholt, L., Santana, A. P., Zettler, I., Wilhelm, O., Betsch, C., & Böhm, R. (2021). Measuring the 7Cs of vaccination readiness.European Journal of Psychological Assessment. Advance online publication.
Kerr, J. R., Freeman, A. L., Marteau, T. M., & van der Linden, S. (2021). Effect of information about COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness and side effects on behavioural intentions: Two online experiments. Vaccines, 9(4), 379.
Kumble, S., & Diddi, P. (2021). Twitter conversations about COVID-19 during pre-pandemic period: Stigma and information format cues. Stigma and Health, 6(3), 251–262.
Sibley, C. G., Greaves, L. M., Satherley, N., Wilson, M. S., Overall, N. C., Lee, C. H. J., Milojev, P., Bulbulia, J., Osborne, D., Milfont, T. L., Houkamau, C. A., Duck, I. M., Vickers-Jones, R., & Barlow, F. K. (2020). Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and nationwide lockdown on trust, attitudes toward government, and well-being. American Psychologist, 75(5), 618–630.
QUESTION 1 A distinction exists between those who may be hesitant about COVID-19 vaccines and those who have complete mistrust in vaccines. Communicators should avoid grouping those who are only hesitant to vaccinate, but not entirely opposed, with people who are actively opposed to all vaccination. For those who have expressed a deeper general mistrust in vaccines, communication should still be what? To select and enter your answer go to Test.