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Section 7
National Board for Certified Counselors Code of Ethics:
Appropriate Action to Prevent Harm
History and Evolution of Values and Ethics in Social Work
3 Key Legal Requirements and Considerations
National Board for Certified Counselors Code of Ethics
The National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) administers national certifications that recognize individuals who have voluntarily met standards for general and specialty areas of professional counseling practice. Counselors certified by NBCC may also identify with different professional organizations, and are often licensed by jurisdictions that promulgate standards of behavior. Regardless of any other affiliation, this Code of Ethics is applicable to all NBCC certificants, including National Certified Counselors (NCCs). Counselors are required to adhere to these expectations and all of the Code directives. Candidates and certificants will be sanctioned pursuant to this Code by NBCC when the standards in the NBCC Code of Ethics are found to have been violated. This Code applies to all counselors who are certified by NBCC, candidates for certification, and other counselors subject to this Code.
7. Counselors shall demonstrate multicultural counseling competence in practice. Counselors will not use counseling techniques or engage in any professional activities that discriminate against or show hostility toward individuals or groups based on gender, ethnicity, race, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, religion, or any other legally prohibited basis.
8. Counselors shall not misuse their professional influence or meet their own needs at the expense of a client’s welfare, including, but not limited to, the promotion of services or products.
9. Counselors shall not solicit testimonials from current clients or their families and friends. Recognizing the possibility of future requests for services, counselors shall not solicit testimonials from former clients within (5) years from the date of service termination.
12. Counselors shall comply with all NBCC policies, procedures, and agreements, including all disclosure requirements and related instructions.
17. Counselors shall take proactive measures to avoid harming their clients, and avoid imposing personal values on those who receive their professional services. Counselors will seek to minimize unavoidable or unanticipated harm, and where possible seek to address unintentional harm.
18. Counselors shall respect each client’s privacy, and shall solicit only information that contributes to the identified counseling goals or facilitates the counseling process, and is also consistent with counseling protocols.
19. Counselors shall not share client information that is obtained through the counseling process without specific written consent by the client or legal guardian except when necessary to prevent serious and foreseeable harm to the client or others, or when otherwise mandated by Federal or State law or regulation.
20. Counselors generally shall not accept goods or services from clients in return for counseling services in recognition of the possible negative effects, including perceived exploitation. Counselors may accept goods, services or other nonmonetary compensation from clients only in cases where: no referrals are possible or appropriate; the arrangement is discussed with the client in advance; the exchange is of a reasonable equivalent value; the exchange does not place the counselor in an unfair advantage; the arrangement is not harmful to the client or their treatment; and, is documented in the counseling services agreement.
21. Counselors shall not accept gifts from clients except in cases when it is culturally appropriate or therapeutically relevant. Counselors shall consider the value of the gift and the effect on the therapeutic relationship before accepting. Acceptance of a gift shall be documented in the client’s record.
22. Counselors shall be mindful of engaging in counseling relationships with those individuals with whom another relationship, such as a community connection, friendship, or work relationship exists (i.e., multiple relationships). Counselors strive to avoid multiple relationships with clients, to the extent possible, except in cases when it is culturally appropriate or therapeutically relevant. In the event that a multiple relationship develops in an unforeseen manner, the counselor shall discuss the potential effects with the client, and shall take reasonable steps to resolve the situation, including termination and the provision of referrals. This discussion shall be documented in the client’s record.
23. Counselors will exercise caution, and avoid exploitation or the appearance of exploitation before entering into a non-counseling relationship with a former client. A period of five (5) years is recommended, and counselors shall exercise caution and avoid exploitation of former clients. Counselors will discuss with the former client important relevant considerations, including the amount of time since counseling service termination, duration of counseling, nature and circumstances of the client’s counseling, and the likelihood that the client will want to resume counseling at some time in the future, circumstances of service termination, and possible negative effects or outcomes. Counselors will respect the autonomy of each former client, and not use undue influence to form any sort of relationship with a former client.
24. Counselors will not engage in any form of sexual or romantic contact with a client or former client for at least five (5) years following the date of counseling service termination.
25. Counselors will not engage in any type of harassing behavior towards clients, which is defined as any verbal, nonverbal, electronic, or physical act that is known, or reasonably understood, to be unwelcome or that are of a severity that reasonably would be perceived as harassment.
41. Counselors who provide clinical supervision shall obtain appropriate training, including continuing education concerning current clinical trends, in order to meet the needs of their supervisees and the clients they serve.
42. Counselors who provide supervision services shall provide accurate written information to supervisees regarding the counselor’s credentials, as well as information regarding the process of supervision. This information shall include the conditions of supervision, supervision goals, case management procedures, confidentiality and its limitations, appraisal methods, and timing of evaluations.
43. Counselors who act as counselor educators, field placement supervisors, or clinical supervisors shall not engage in sexual or romantic intimacy with current and former students or supervisees for at least five (5) years from the date of the last academic and/or supervision contact, whichever is later. Prohibited intimate sexual or romantic engagements include in-person contact and electronic interactions.
44. Counselors who provide clinical supervision services shall keep accurate records of supervision goals and the supervisee’s progress. All supervision related information shall be treated as confidential, except to prevent serious and foreseeable harm to a client or others, or when legally required to do so by a court or government agency order. When a supervisor receives a court or governmental agency order requiring the production of supervision records, the counselor shall make reasonable attempts to promptly notify the supervisee. In cases in which the supervisee is a student in a counselor education program, the supervisor counselor shall release supervision records consistent with the terms of the supervision arrangement with the counselor education program.
45. Counselors who provide clinical supervision services shall intervene in situations where a supervisee is impaired or incompetent and potentially placing the client(s) at risk. The clinical supervisor will notify the supervisee of any concerns and provide recommended or required steps to seek assistance. The supervisor also may take steps to end the supervisee’s services to protect the client, and may only resume services after the completion of any recommended or required remediation.
46. Counselors who provide clinical supervision services shall not have multiple relationships with a supervisee that may interfere with the supervisor’s professional judgment or exploit the supervisee. Supervisors shall not supervise friends, family, or relatives. When a dual relationship cannot be avoided, the supervisor must discuss risks and benefits with the supervisee prior to engaging in supervision and document this discussion in supervision records.
47. Counselors who provide supervision services shall provide supervisees with regular and substantive feedback throughout the supervision process.
48. Counselors shall promote the welfare and continued education of supervisees by discussing ethical standards and practices related to supervision, as well as the legal standards that regulate the practice of counseling.
49. Counselors who provide clinical supervision services shall establish procedures for responding to crisis situations related to supervisees and the supervisee’s clients. These procedures shall be provided both verbally and in writing to their supervisees. A clear protocol and guidelines shall be made available and communicated to the supervisee in the event of the supervisor’s absence. Contact information for an alternative supervisor shall be provided to the supervisee in the absence of the supervisor.
56. Counselors who provide consultative services (consultants) shall use and provide to consultees accurate information regarding their consultation qualifications and credentials related to the identified concerns or situations.
Multiple Relationships
86. Counselor educators shall avoid non-academic relationships with counseling students during the student’s participation in the educator’s training program. Counselor educators with pre-existing relationships with students shall clearly communicate the nature of the relationship to the appropriate university administrator(s) and students, and shall carefully manage risks related to the relationship.
87. Counselor educators shall not engage in intimate or sexual relationships with current students or individuals who were students enrolled in the counselor’s program within the past five (5) years. Prohibited sexual or romantic intimacy engagements include physical contact and electronic interactions.
Telemental Health
93. Counselors shall ensure that the electronic means used in providing telemental health services are in compliance with current Federal and State laws and regulatory standards concerning telemental health service.
94. Counselors shall ensure that all electronic technology communications with clients are encrypted and secure.
95. Counselors shall maintain records of all clinical contacts with telemental health service clients.
96. Counselors shall set clear expectations and boundaries with telemental health service recipients about the type(s) and timing of communications that will be included in service provision. These expectations and boundaries shall be communicated in writing in disclosure documents provided to clients.
97. Counselors shall provide written information to all telemental health clients regarding the protection of client records, accounts and related passwords, electronic communications, and client identity. This information should include a description of the nature of all communication security measures that are used by the counselor, including any risks or limitations related to the provision of telemental health services.
98. Counselors shall communicate information regarding security to clients who receive telemental health services. Telemental health service clients shall be informed of the potential risks of telemental health communications, including warnings about transmitting private information when using a public access computer or one that is on a shared network.
99. Counselors shall screen potential telemental health service clients to determine whether such services are appropriate.
Social Media and Technology
113. Counselors shall respect the privacy of a client’s social media material and accounts, and shall not access client social media accounts without specific client permission, a related discussion with the client, documentation of potential risks and benefits, and a specific clinical purpose.
114. Counselors shall avoid non-professional relationships with clients online. This restriction includes connecting with or following client social media accounts.
- National Board for Certified Counselors, Inc. (2023, May). NBCC Code of Ethics. Retrieved from
Evolution of Social Work Ethics by Mary Rankin, J.D.
The change in a social worker’s approach to ethical concerns is one of the most significant advances in our profession. Early in the 20th century, a social worker’s concern for ethics centered on the morality of the client, not the ethics of the profession or its practitioners. Over the next couple of decades, the emphasis on the client’s ethics began to weaken as social workers began developing new perspectives and methods that eventually would be fundamental to the profession, all in an effort to distinguish social work’s approach from other allied health professions.
The first attempt at creating a code of ethics was made in 1919, and by the 1940s and 1950s, social workers began to focus on the morality, values, and ethics of the profession, rather than the ethics and morality of the patient. As a result of the turbulent social times of the 1960s and 1970s, social workers began directing significant efforts towards the issues of social justice, social reform, and civil rights.
In the 1980s and 1990s, the focus shifted from abstract debates about ethical terms and conceptually complex moral arguments to more practical and immediate ethical problems. For example, a significant portion of the literature from the time period focuses on decision-making strategies for complex or difficult ethical dilemmas. More recently, the profession has worked to develop a new and comprehensive Code of Ethics to outline the profession’s core values, provide guidance on dealing with ethical issues and dilemmas, and also to describe and define ethical misconduct. Today, ethics in social work is focused primarily on helping social workers identify and analyze ethical dilemmas, apply appropriate decision-making strategies, manage ethics related risks, and confront ethical misconduct within the profession.
Reamer, F. (1998). The Evolution of Social Work Ethics. Social Work,43(6), 488-500. Retrieved June 10, 2021, from
The following contains thee key Legal issues for mental health professionals: Tarasoff - Duty to Warn, Duty to Protect; and Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse
Tarasoff - Duty to Warn, Duty to Protect
Most states have laws that either require or permit mental health professionals to disclose information about patients who may become violent – often referred to as the duty to warn and/or duty to protect. These laws stem from two decisions in Tarasoff v. The Regents of the University of California. Together, the Tarasoff decisions impose liability on all mental health professionals to protect victims from violent acts. Specifically, the first Tarasoff case imposed a duty to verbally warn an intended victim victim of foreseeable danger, and the second Tarasoff case implies a duty to protect the intended victim against possible danger (e.g., alert police, warn the victim, etc.).
Domestic Violence – Confidentiality and the Duty to Warn
Stemming from the decisions in Tarasoff v. The Regents of the University of California, many states have imposed liability on mental health professionals to protect victims from violent acts, often referred to as the duty to warn and duty to protect. This liability extends to potential victims of domestic violence. When working with a client who has a history of domestic violence, a social worker should conduct a risk assessment to determine if whether there is a potential for harm, and take all necessary steps to diffuse a potentially violent situation.
Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse
All states have laws that identify individuals who are obligated to report suspected child abuse, including social workers – these individuals are often referred to as "mandatory reporters." The requirements vary from state to state, but typically, a report must be made when the reporter (in his or her official capacity) suspects or has reason to believe that a child has been abused or neglected. Most states operate a toll-free hotline to receive reports of abuse and typically the reporter may choose to remain anonymous (there are limitations and exceptions that vary by state so please review your state’s laws).
- Barker, R. L. (1998). Milestones in the Development of Social Work and Social Welfare. Washington, DC: NASW Press.
Social Work Research Ethics in China:
A scoping Review of Research
Involving Human Subjects during COVID-19
- Wang, Y., Wu, S., He, L., Li, L., & Wang, Z. (2023). Social work research ethics in China: A scoping review of research involving human subjects during COVID-19. International social work, 66(1), 233–253.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article References:
Conrad, M. (2019). Moving upstream in the post-Hoffman era: When ethical responsibilities conflict with the law.Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 50(6), 407–418.
Rowe-Johnson, M. (2018). Achieving ethical mentoring and mentee professional integrity through formal mentor training for practicing psychologists.Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 12(3), 203–209.
Williams, Izaak & O'Connor, Peg. (2019). Power in the Counseling Relationship: The Role of Ignorance. 4. 1-37.
7 Under, NBCC Code of Ethics, what appropriate action should NCCs take to prevent harm? To select and enter your answer go to Test.