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Course Article Questions The answer to Question 1 is found in Section 1 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 2 is found in Section 2 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question.
1. What is a possible response if your client/patient in pain states, “There’s no way I can do any activity no matter how much I pace myself.” 2. What are examples of self-monitoring that your patient/client can use to process his/her negative thoughts associated with pain? 3. What are some examples of coping statements that may help to calm your patient with chronic pain? 4. What are examples of insomnia Stimulus Control instructions a therapist may discuss with his/her patients/clients? 5. Regarding the goal of anticipating obstacles after therapy ends, what are some things the therapist may discuss with the patient/client? 6. What might you discuss in the followup session to cognitive behavior Therapy for chronic pain to gauge how well the CBT-CP tools have been implemented?
A. What was going through my mind just before or just after I started to feel this way? What is the thing I am most afraid might happen? What is the worst thing that could happen? What memories does this lead me to experience? What does this mean about my future, my life, my health? B. Remind your patient/client of progress he/she has already made with other physical activities such as walking. Encourage behavioral trials to test negative expectations and start with activities that are comfortable. Reinforce incremental achievements along the way. C. Only go to bed when sleepy. Use bed only for sleep and sex. If unable to sleep after 20 minutes, get out of bed and return only when sleepy. Wake at the same time every day. Do not nap. D. “I’ve been through pain increases like this before, I just need to focus on something else until it passes” and “I just have to make it through this moment.” E. What has gone well? Why have those things worked? What has not gone well? What are the specific problems? What have been the biggest barriers in the implementation of the skills that you have learned? In the areas where you have been successful, why have you been successful? F. What do you think might get in the way of engaging in your skills as planned? What things have already sidetracked you through the course of treatment? How have you coped with difficult issues in the past, and how might you cope with them in the future?
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