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Psychologist Post-Test

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1. What are the characteristics of postnatal depression?
2. What are the feelings and attitudes that are often experienced when a woman becomes a mother?
3. What are some examples of misunderstood reactions that new fathers often have?
4. What are the stages of marital disharmony?
5. Why are women at risk for depression during most of their adult lives?
6. Why is unplanned pregnancy one of the greatest risk factors associated with postpartum psychiatric problems?
7. How can anxiety lead to a difficult labor experience?
8. What are some symptoms of a panic attack?
9. Why does failure to treat a mother’s anxiety pose a significant risk to the mother and the baby?
10. What are some examples of disturbing thoughts that new parents might experience, that may be intensified in clients with OCD?
11. How might a person with PTSD avoid reliving their trauma?
12. What need does an eating disorder often fill for a person?
13. What are some factors that can trigger bipolar disorder in new mothers?
14. What is a sample of a reassurance you could provide the father experiencing postpartum depression?


A.  He or she may become emotionally numb, go about daily life in a dull, mechanical way, become more and more isolated, and generally try to avoid contact with people or situations that are reminders of the trauma.
B.  Women who are unable to relax, and who do not have a positive image of how the delivery process will proceed, are also those most likely to have prolonged and difficult labors.
C.  Palpitations; shortness of breath; sweating; trembling or shaking; chest pain; feelings of choking; nausea or abdominal distress; feeling dizzy, light-headed or faint; feelings of being detached from one’s body; fear of losing control of becoming crazy; fear of death; unusual numbness of tingling in various parts of the body and chills or hot flashes.
D.  Family history, personality type, environmental factors, such as the degree of psychosocial support, stressors such as childbirth, and the hormonal changes women experience during their childbearing years
E.  Excitability, anxiety and obsessive thoughts and fantasies
F.  A feeling of suffocation, everything revolving around the baby, making motherhood the only source of fulfillment and the "icing on the cake" technique.
G.  I state, "Don’t try to ‘talk her out of’ the depression."  I encourage fathers to remember that depression is a disease.
H.  Women experience depressive mood disorders at times of biological change, including puberty, pregnancy and menopause.  Biological changes associated with depression in women are also associated with times of stress.
I.  It can create a tremendous disruption, the option of termination may create a risky emotional climate for the mother, it can incur psychosocial stresses and genetic susceptibility.
J.  Postnatal anxiety is a frequent occurrence, and it often overlaps with symptoms of depression, increasing the likelihood of postpartum depression. 
K.  Seeking refuge in work, lacking interest in the baby, wanting to take charge of everything in the house, and a diminished sexual desire for his spouse.
L.  increased irritability, physical abuse and a lessened sense of self
M.  Thoughts of suffocation, such as "Maybe my baby rolled over and died from SIDS," thoughts of accidents like "I think of the neighbor’s dog attacking my baby," unwanted ideas of or urges toward intentional harm such as "Would she be brain-damaged if I threw her out the window?"  thoughts of illness or losing the infant, unacceptable sexual thoughts such as "I thought about the baby’s genitals," and, finally, contaminations.
N.  The need to establish a degree of control in the person’s life


15. What are the categories of alternative treatment for postpartum depression and psychosis mentioned in this article?
16. What phenomena, separate from postpartum depression, is characterized by mood swings, anxiety tearfulness, and irritability, affecting between 50–80% of all women in the first 10 days after childbirth?
17. If left untreated, what percentage of PPD sufferers will still show signs of major depression after one year?
18. What is one of the most common reasons given by women for their reduced sexual drive during late pregnancy and the postpartum period?
19. In the study mentioned, which of the indicators had the best predictive value for the development of PPD?
20. What are the treatment methods mentioned for pregnant women suffering from depression?
21. What factor has been thought to influence toddlers' development into autonomy?
22. Does Elliott suggest that the EDPS is able to help diagnose females at risk for PPD when the health-care provider (health-visitor) is untrained in its usage?
23. What are the effective somatic PPD treatment methods?
24. What are some factors that increase a woman’s risk of developing PPD?
25. What factor does Dulude suggest that affects a woman's feeling of personal control?
26. What differentiates PPD from the "baby blues"?


A. psychotherapy, group therapy, couples counseling, medication or a combination of these treatments.
B.  Electroconvulsive therapy and bright light therapy
C. nutritional supplements, homeopathy, acupuncture, chiropractic, and self-care.
D.  physical experience of an obstetrical risk
E. PPD is more severe than the baby blues, and persists for more than two weeks after the birth.
F. Persistently abnormally-high fatigue
G. 50%, and for many women, it is the first episode of a lifelong depression
H. societal pressures, personal adversities, marital conflict, lack of financial security, lifestyle and role changes.
I.  that insufficient data exist to show that the EDPS can be used to make a diagnosis without training.
J. The postpartum blues.
K. Fatigue is one of the most common reasons given by
women for their reduced sexual drive.
L. Parental behavior and attitudes that encourage more skilled self-assertion

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