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Psychologist Post-Test

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1. What is autism?
2. What are the steps for encouraging a child to talk?
3. What are the parts to echolalia?
4. Why did Dr. Koegel and the autistic child’s family believe the autistic child needed to be mainstreamed into a regular classroom?
5. What are the parts to replacement behaviors?
6. What are the parts to floor-time as a family approach?
7. What are the goals of floor-time?
8. What are the things to think about when considering doctors and long waits?
9. What are the techniques to aid in simple play for toddlers and preschoolers?
10. What are the tips for free time at school?
11. People with Asperger’s Syndrome are identified as being what kind of autistic people?
12. What are the parts to making conversation?
13. What are the Parts to Making Friends and Play Dates?
14. What are the parts to playing with others?


A. teaching "I don’t understand," rewording the question, adding questions, giving choices and repetition for its own sake
B. They felt he needed to learn how to interact sociallyand verbally with his peers.
C. playing with toys, toy match, borrowing and tackling spontaneous play.
D. Following the child’s lead and bringing the child into a shared world
E. High-functioning
F. finding something worth trying for, modeling the words, getting them to talk on their own, keeping things social and interactive, turning requests into conversation and encouraging initiations.
G. rules, lining up with a friend, developing structured activities and fixation games. and depersonalization.
H.  a disorder of the brain that causes impaired social interaction, problems with verbal and nonverbal communication, and unusual or severely limited activities and interests." 
I. Time for siblings and time for parents
J. Flexibility, appointments and during sessions
K. Practicing, self-management, and not letting little things slide.
L. Starting a Conversation, Food Talk, Commenting, Learning to be Appropriate, Starting Conversations Appropriately and empathetic responses.
M. Play Initiation and Joining In, Taking Turns, Play Termination, Winning and Losing and Sports
N. finding someone with potential, the initial phone call, starting short and planning a longer play date


15. What behaviors are common in nonverbal children with autism who demonstrate difficulty with ACC systems? 
16. In what socialization approach are peers utilized to role play sharing, helping, giving affection and praise for preschool children with autism? 
17. What is the rationale behind using social story interventions? 
18. What is the goal of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) interventions?
19. According to Ogletree, what areas of communication and language do persons with autism have the most difficulty? 
20. What is the difference between a transparent and an opaque symbol in iconicity? 
21. According to Koegel, what type of stimulation has been shown to predict children's later cognitive competence? 
22. Why do many children with autism not respond to a verbal request but suddenly become aware of your existence if you touch them?
23. What notion is the basis of dynamic assessment because it accounts for the level of potential development?
24. After targeting the behavior that needs to be changed, what are the steps used in the ABA process?
25. What is the result of parent education programs that obligate the parents to designate certain time periods to work one-on-one with their children?
26. What were the results of daily exposure to typical peers who were motivated to interact with children with autism, but were untrained?
27. Missouri clinicians who make an AD diagnosis shall have at a minimum of what two requirements?


A.  verbal stimulation by caregivers 
B.  An increase parental stress
C. apraxia and difficulty with fine motor skills
D. peer-mediated approach
E.  zone of proximal development
F.  Social Stories increase awareness and understanding of the what, when, who, and why of social situations may prove to be more beneficial because the child is using the story as the medium for learning, as well as a tool for understanding and internalizing appropriate behaviors necessary for successful social interactions.
G.  Transparent symbol meanings can be readily identified in the absence of cues such as verbal hints or written words. Opaque symbols bear no relationship to the referents that they represent.
H.  A lack of awareness of the relationship of the body to the environment makes it difficult to perceive distant objects or discern where the body ends and the environment begins.
I.  The results were increased social engagement and responsiveness, as well as a decrease in purposeless activity, and an increase in constructive play for children with autism
J.  The goal of AAC is to facilitate an individual's ability either to (a) communicate more effectively with others (i.e., expressive communication strategies) or (b) understand communication from others
K.  1) the positive behavior is measured directly. 2) the behavior is measured daily based on the target responses. 3) systematic procedures are followed so that, if successful in modifying the behavior, those procedures can be replicated. 4) data is recorded on the individual level, usually by graphing progress. 5) the interventionist demonstrates that the results were completed in a controlled manner in an attempt to prove that the intervention accounted for the change in behavior.
L.  the areas of semantics (i.e., meaning) and pragmatics (i.e., use)
M.  Missouri state licensure as a physician, psychologist, or other health or mental health professional and advanced training and clinical experience in diagnosis and treatment of ASD and related neurodevelopmental disorders

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