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Privacy and Confidentiality in the Therapeutic Relationship


Question 1 | Test | Table of Contents

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Welcome to the Home Study Course sponsored by the Health Care Training Institute. The purpose of this course is to stimulate your thinking about ethics and confidentiality. The institute has provided quality education since 1979 to thousands nationally and in Canada as well. My name is Tracy Catherine Appleton. We appreciate the fact that you have chosen us as a vehicle to earn your Continuing Education Credit. The purpose of our audio home study courses is to provide a convenient format, flexible to your schedule.

A co-contributor to this Course is Sharon Chandler; Sharon is a Marriage and Family Therapist, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, as well as a Registered Nurse.

Let's review the course materials. As you will note your Course Content Manual contains a set of articles dealing with privacy and confidentiality. Each article is followed by a fill-in-the-blank question. Answers to chose from are found in the Test.

This tape also contains information regarding ethical issues concerning privacy and confidentiality. Each informational module will be followed by a multiple-choice, case study question. The main purpose for these multiple-choice case study questions is to get you to think about some of the gray ethical areas of privacy and confidentiality.

You will be presented with a brief situation and then with four choices, followed by a musical tone requesting you to turn the tape player off and think about the best answer. Please note I say the best answer rather than the correct answer. Because of the brevity of some of the questions, you need to assume or fill in certain facts. Therefore, after the musical tone the correct answer is given along with an explanation as to why it is correct. Thus, a form of programmed learning is provided with you making a response and getting instant feed back. The Test contains a section for circling the letter of the correct answer.

A key to remember... here is the purpose behind the questions. Whether in the Manual or on this tape, they are not intended to trick you or to be difficult. Their purpose is to stimulate your thinking about confidentiality and privacy issues and to verify the fact that you have read the brief articles and played this tape. So on the tape listen to the four choices, then decide upon your choice, mark the correct answer given on the tape to verify your listening.

As an optional exercise.... feel free to staple an added sheet of paper to the back of the Test with your ideas regarding a certain question or portion of the content, along with the number of that question. However, keep in mind this additional feed back sheet is optional and not a part of the course requirements.

The completion of the Course Content Manual fill-in-the-blank type of questions and the Audio tape multiple choice questions are independent of one another. So the order in which you complete these exercises is up to you, whether you do the Course Content Manual or audio tape first, or work on them simultaneously, makes no difference since their content is related but not sequential.

A good way to look at this Audio Home Study Course is as a means to review, refresh, and revitalize your information on ethical issues surrounding privacy and confidentiality.

Here's an overview of the learning modules that make up this 90 minute tape. The first module will deal with (chuckle) "Who needs ethics anyway?" Next, we will look at key privacy and confidentiality issues in the areas of: the Tarasoff Decision, child abuse reporting, physician ethics, ethics and a burn victims rights, e-care technology, and the right to know.

Section 1
Table of Contents