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Section 4
Interpersonal Violence: Historical and Intergenerational Trauma

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SAMHSA and the National Indian Health Board 

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National Tribal Behavioral Health Agenda. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration. National Indian Health Board. December 2016. pg. 23-25.
Reviewed 2023

"We've Already Endured the Trauma, Who is Going to Either End that Cycle or Continue to Feed It?": The Influence of Family and Legal Systems on Native American Women's Intimate Partner Violence Experiences

Jock, B. W. I., Dana-Sacco, G., Arscott, J., Bagwell-Gray, M. E., Loerzel, E., Brockie, T., Packard, G., O'Keefe, V. M., McKinley, C. E., & Campbell, J. (2022). "We've Already Endured the Trauma, Who is Going to Either End that Cycle or Continue to Feed It?": The Influence of Family and Legal Systems on Native American Women's Intimate Partner Violence Experiences. Journal of interpersonal violence, 37(21-22), NP20602–NP20629.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article References:
Brave Heart, M. Y. H., Chase, J., Myers, O., Elkins, J., Skipper, B., Schmitt, C., Mootz, J., & Waldorf, V. A. (2020). Iwankapiya American Indian pilot clinical trial: Historical trauma and group interpersonal psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, 57(2), 184–196.

Hartmann, W. E., Wendt, D. C., Burrage, R. L., Pomerville, A., & Gone, J. P. (2019). American Indian historical trauma: Anticolonial prescriptions for healing, resilience, and survivance. American Psychologist, 74(1), 6–19.

Sugarman, D. B., Nation, M., Yuan, N. P., Kuperminc, G. P., Hassoun Ayoub, L., & Hamby, S. (2018). Hate and violence: Addressing discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Psychology of Violence, 8(6), 649–656.

What are the characteristics that combine to create a powerful and resilient practice of culture and serve as strong protective factors against adversity? To select and enter your answer go to Test

Section 5
Table of Contents