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Alcantara, J. C., Alharbi, B., Almotairi, Y., Alam, M. J., Muddathir, A. R. M., & Alshaghdali, K. (2022). Analysis of preanalytical errors in a clinical chemistry laboratory: A 2-year study. Medicine, 101(27), e29853.

Bourne, R. S., Jennings, J. K., Panagioti, M., Hodkinson, A., Sutton, A., & Ashcroft, D. M. (2022). Medication-related interventions to improve medication safety and patient outcomes on transition from adult intensive care settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ quality & safety, 31(8), 609–622.

Brand, E., Ratsch, A., Nagaraj, D., & Heffernan, E. (2022). The sexuality and sexual experiences of forensic mental health patients: An integrative review of the literature. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13, 975577.

Fernandes, D., Gomes, J. P., Albuquerque, P. B., & Matos, M. (2023). Forensic Interview Techniques in Child Sexual Abuse Cases: A Scoping Review. Trauma, violence & abuse, 15248380231177317. Advance online publication.

Jambrina, A. M., Santomà, À., Rocher, A., Rams, N., Cereza, G., Rius, P., Gironès, M., Pareja, C., Franch, À., & Rabanal, M. (2022). Detection and Prevention of Medication Errors by the Network of Sentinel Pharmacies in a Southern European Region. Journal of clinical medicine, 12(1), 194.

Nijor, S., Rallis, G., Lad, N., & Gokcen, E. (2022). Patient Safety Issues From Information Overload in Electronic Medical Records. Journal of patient safety, 18(6), e999–e1003.

Rodziewicz, T. L., Houseman, B., & Hipskind, J. E. (2023). Medical Error Reduction and Prevention. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.

Sebastian, S., Franco, A., & Mânica, S. (2023). Intersection of forensic odontology and psychology. The Journal of forensic odonto-stomatology, 41(1), 2–18.

Singh, G., Patel, R. H., & Boster, J. (2023). Root Cause Analysis and Medical Error Prevention. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.

Tariq, R. A., Vashisht, R., Sinha, A., & Scherbak, Y. (2023). Medication Dispensing Errors and Prevention. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article References:

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Dickinson, J. J., Brubacher, S. P., & Poole, D. A. (2015). Children’s performance on ground rules questions: Implications for forensic interviewing. Law and Human Behavior, 39(1), 87–97.

Dickinson, J. J., Lytle, N. E., & Poole, D. A. (2021). Tele-forensic interviewing can be a reasonable alternative to face-to-face interviewing of child witnesses. Law and Human Behavior, 45(2), 97–111.

Fessinger, M. B., & McAuliff, B. D. (2020). A national survey of child forensic interviewers: Implications for research, practice, and law. Law and Human Behavior, 44(2), 113–127.

Fokkema, M., Smits, N., Kelderman, H., & Penninx, B. W. J. H. (2015). Connecting clinical and actuarial prediction with rule-based methods. Psychological Assessment, 27(2), 636–644.

Gallimore, C. E., Sokhal, D., Zeidler Schreiter, E., & Margolis, A. R. (2016). Pharmacist medication reviews to improve safety monitoring in primary care patients. Families, Systems, & Health, 34(2), 104–113.

Garb, H. N., & Wood, J. M. (2019). Methodological advances in statistical prediction. Psychological Assessment, 31(12), 1456–1466.

Garb, H. N., Wood, J. M., & Baker, M. (2018). The Lackland Behavioral Questionnaire: The use of biographical data and statistical prediction rules for public safety screening. Psychological Assessment, 30(8), 1039–1048.

Garcia-Retamero, R., & Galesic, M. (2012). Doc, what would you do if you were me? On self–other discrepancies in medical decision making. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 18(1), 38–51.

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Pirelli, G., Formon, D. L., & Maloney, K. (2020). Preventing vicarious trauma (VT), compassion fatigue (CF), and burnout (BO) in forensic mental health: Forensic psychology as exemplar. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. Advance online publication.

Reader, T. W., & Gillespie, A. (2021). Stakeholders in safety: Patient reports on unsafe clinical behaviors distinguish hospital mortality rates. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(3), 439–451.

Robiner, W. N., Tompkins, T. L., & Hathaway, K. M. (2020). Prescriptive authority: Psychologists’ abridged training relative to other professions’ training. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 27(1), Article e12309.

Rigg, T. (2018). The ethical considerations of storing client information online. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 49(5-6), 332–335.

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Sagana, A., & Sauerland, M. (2020). The psychology of forensic evidence. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 228(3), 145–148.

Shahidullah, J. D., Hostutler, C. A., & Forman, S. G. (2019). Ethical considerations in medication-related roles for pediatric primary care psychologists. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, 7(4), 405–416.

Shahidullah, J. D., Hostutler, C. A., & Stancin, T. (2018). Collaborative medication-related roles for pediatric primary care psychologists. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, 6(1), 61–72.

Siddaway, A. P., Quinlivan, L., Kapur, N., O'Connor, R. C., & de Beurs, D. (2020). Cautions, concerns, and future directions for using machine learning in relation to mental health problems and clinical and forensic risks: A brief comment on “Model complexity improves the prediction of nonsuicidal self-injury” (Fox et al., 2019). Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 88(4), 384–387.

Tyson, P., Law, C., Reed, S., Johnsey, E., Aruna, O., & Hall, S. (2016). Preventing suicide and self-harm: Evaluating the efficacy of a helpline from a service user and helpline worker perspective. Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, 37(5), 353–360.

Ward, M., McAuliffe, E., Fitzsimons, J., & O'Donovan, R. (2019). Informing healthcare team performance: Integrating data to improve quality and safety. International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation, 8(1), 53–56.

Ware, J. N., & Dillman Taylor, D. (2014). Concerns about confidentiality: The application of ethical decision-making within group play therapy. International Journal of Play Therapy, 23(3), 173–186.

Wolfman, M., Brown, D., & Jose, P. (2016). Talking past each other: Interviewer and child verbal exchanges in forensic interviews. Law and Human Behavior, 40(2), 107–117.

Zapf, P. A., Kukucka, J., Kassin, S. M., & Dror, I. E. (2018). Cognitive bias in forensic mental health assessment: Evaluator beliefs about its nature and scope. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 24(1), 1–10.

Zonana, J., Simberlund, J., & Christos, P. (2018). The impact of safety plans in an outpatient clinic. Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, 39(4), 304–309.

Additional References:
Aronson, J. K. (2009). Medication Errors: Definitions and Classification. British Journal Of Clinical Pharmacology, 67(6), 599-604. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2125.2009.03415.x

Barber, R. D., Coulourides Kogan, A., Riffenburgh, A., & Enguidanos, S. (2015). A role for social workers in improving care setting transitions: a case study. Social work in health care, 54(3), 177–192. doi:10.1080/00981389.2015.1005273.

Bari, A., Khan, R. A., & Rathore, A. W. (2016). Medical errors; causes, consequences, emotional response and resulting behavioral change. Pakistan journal of medical sciences, 32(3), 523–528. doi:10.12669/pjms.323.9701.

Bencheikh, R., & Benabdallah, G. (2009). Medication Errors: Pharmacovigilance Centres in Detection and Prevention. British Journal Of Clinical Pharmacology, 67(6), 687-690. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2125.2009.03426.x

Charles, Ryan; Hood, Brandon; Derosier, Joseph M.; Gosbee, John W.; Ying Li; Caird, Michelle S.; Biermann, J. Sybil; Hake, Mark E. How to Perform a Root Cause Analysis for Workup and Future Prevention of Medical Errors: A Review.  Patient Safety in Surgery. 9/21/2016, Vol. 10, p1-5. 5p.

Cottney, Alan; Innes, James. Medication-Administration Errors in an Urban Mental Health Hospital: A Direct Observation Study. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. Feb2015, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p65-74. 10 p. 4

Dewar, Rajan; Parkash, Vinita; Forrow, Lachlan; Truog, Robert D. "Apologies" from Pathologists: Why, When, and How to Say "Sorry" After Committing a Medical Error. International Journal of Surgical Pathology. May2014, Vol. 22 Issue 3, p242-246. 5p. DOI: 10.1177/1066896913487986.

DMH’s Forensic Services. MGL Chapter 123, section 15 (b) Evaluation and Sample Reports. Department of Mental Health, June 5, 2010, p1-44 and Appendix p1-13.

Forensic Psychology and the Victims of Crime. Bartol, February 2004, Chapter 7, p189-212.

Keers, Richard; Williams, Steven; Cooke, Jonathan; Ashcroft, Darren. Causes of Medication Administration Errors in Hospitals: A Systematic Review of Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence. Drug Safety. Nov2013, Vol. 36 Issue 11, p1045-1067. 23p. DOI: 10.1007/s40264-013-0090-2.

Listenbee, Robert L. Child Forensic Interviewing: Best Practices. U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Program. September 2015, p1-17.

Maidment, I. D., & Parmentier, H. (2009). Medication Error in Mental Health: Implications for Primary Care. Mental Health In Family Medicine, 6(4), 203-207.

Merandi, Jenna; Morvay, Shelly; Lewe, Dorcas; Stewart, Barb; Catt, Char; Chanthasene, Phillip P.; McClead, Richard; Kappeler, Karl; Mirtallo, Jay M. Improvement of Medication Event Interventions Through Use of an Electronic Database. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. 10/1/2013, Vol. 70 Issue 19, p1708-1714. 7p. 1 Color Photograph, 1 Chart, 1 Graph. DOI: 10.2146/ajhp130021.

Murdach, A. D. (1994). Avoiding Errors in Clinical Prediction. Social Work, 39(4), 381.

Remer, Frederic. Update on Confidentiality Issues in Practice with Children: Ethics Risk Management. Children & Schools; Apr 2005; Vol. 27; Issue 2

Tobias, Joseph D.; Yadav, Ghanshyam; Gupta, Surender Kumar; Jain, Gaurav. Medication Errors: A Matter of Serious Concern. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care. May-Aug2013, Vol. 17 Issue 2, p111-114. 4p

Walsh, Kathleen E.; Mazor, Kathleen M.; Roblin, Douglas; Biggins, Colleen; Wagner, Joann L.; Houlahan, Kathleen; Li, Justin W.; Keuker, Christopher; Wasilewski-Masker, Karen; Donovan, Jennifer; Kanaan, Abir; Weingart, Saul N. Multisite Parent-Centered Risk Assessment to Reduce Pediatric Oral Chemotherapy Errors. Journal of Oncology Practice. Jan2013, Vol. 9 Issue 1, pe1-e7. 7p. 2 Diagrams, 2 Charts. DOI: 10.1200/JOP.2012.000601.

Coordinating Author/Instructor: Tracy Appleton, LCSW, MEd

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