What are the methods of Altering Attitudes in male batterers? 2.
What are advantages to the use of a
male-female therapy team? 3.
What are the stages of abuse that batterers experience? 4.
What are the Red Flags that can
precede abuse? 5.
What are the major ways of Expanding Choice Points to prevent a battering
incident? 6.
How do impulsive batterers differ from instrumental batterers? 7.
What are the Nice Guy Positioning Strategies
to increase your awareness of in your next session? 8.
What are the motivators for the batterer's
Invisible Dragon to consider in your next session? 9.
What are the checkpoints to look for
when assessing your batterer's potential to let go of his control? 10.
What are the catalysts for a client's
motivation to set goals? 11.
What are the types of questions that are effective in facilitating clients who
are goal-stuck? 12.
What are the therapeutic ruts you might evaluate in your next session? | Answers: a.
Change is Possible, Motivation to Change, Reason to Change, What to Change.
b. Situational, Emotional, and Cognitive c.
Role modeling; modeling disagreement resolution; increasing the pace of the group;
decreasing pressure on the therapist; modeling playfulness. d.
Instrumental batterers, or "cobras," use violence coldly to obtain a
specific objective and are more likely to use a weapon. e.
Broadening Definitions, Learning Empathy, and Recognizing the Effects of the Media
f. Affirming responses versus low-key responses, the restating
response, and the expanding response. g. Parent-Blaming,
Blaming the Battered h. Being invited to play an active role,
being respected as knowledgeable, being in charge of determining goals, and being
held accountable for current and future behaviors i. Distractions,
Rules of Engagement, Roots of Anger, Cognitive Restructuring j.
Directive and strength-based k. Discouragement,
Embarrassment, Inferiority, and Guilt
l. Something Snaps,
Abuse Isn't Worth It, and Stopping the Abuse. |