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Psychologist Post-Test

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1. What are the areas to consider when explaining adoption to a pre-schooler or seven-year-old?
2. Why might it be helpful to share information about drug abuse with a child prior to adolescence?
3. What are the parts of the Being Prepared for Anger Technique?
4. Why do adopted children often wish to be in control of a search for their birth parents?
5. Why might Mother’s Day be a difficult time for adopted children?
6. What is one major cause of loss and shame for adoptive couples?
7. What are the first four suggestions of telling a child about adoption?
8. What are suggestions five and six of telling a child about adoption?
9. What are the last three suggestions of telling?
10. What are the benefits of a Life-Book?
11. What are some reasons that the Homeland Tour Technique can be helpful?
12. Why is it beneficial to ask a sexually abused child about his or her experience?
13. What is one way to begin to address the issue of incest with a child in early years?
14. What are the steps of adoptive emotional dissolution?

A. Not taking it personally, being firm in limit-setting and establishing consequences beforehand.
B. Because they may fear a second rejection from birth parents and they experience tremendous loss of control in the original termination of birth-parental rights
C. Not imposing value judgments on the information, giving the child control of the story, the "cover story" technique and remembering that the child probably knows more than you think
D. Initiating, Using Positive Language, Telling the Truth and Allowing the Child to Express Anger Without Joining In.
E. Some children have vague memories of their birth families and some adolescents are able to understand the why's of their adoption experiences.
F. Adolescents often do not believe what they are told by adults, especially their parents.
G. Recreating Life History, Giving Information About the Birth Family, Giving Reasons for Placement, Providing Photos, Recording the Child’s Feelings and Giving the Child Information About Development
H.  The child telling the story, the child hearing the story, telling the story positively but realistically and reassuring the child that his or her adoptive family won't be lost.
I. Infertility
J. Omitting until age twelve and not trying to fix the pain.
K. They may feel as though they have divided loyalties between their birth mothers and their adopted mothers.
L. The child may need to hear that nothing is too scary or too horrible to talk about and that nothing he or she can say will cause the adoptive parents to send him or her back.
M. honeymoon, diminishing pleasures, the child is the problem, going public, the turning point, the deadline or ultimatum and the final crisis ends the adoptive relationship
N. To say in the Life-book that the birth father was a member of the birth mother's family or to include a physical or ethnic history of the father in a way that leads to the logical assumption that the birth father and birth mother shared the same family.

What has been a virtual obsession in law, language, and literary representations regarding adoptions?
16. What has been among the most persistent features of the literature on therapeutic adoption, in part because it highlights the chronic problem of making adoptive kinship real while also making it distinctive?
17. What did the results demonstrate in regards to the risk of adoptive parents developing psychiatric and alcohol-related problem behaviors?
18. What are the sources of stress for families who adopted multiple children with severe disabilities?
19. What parent characteristics are associated with adoption disruption?
20. What is the first objective of the Quality Protects agenda?
21. What recent trend in attachment theory brings it closer to the psychoanalytic object relations theory, which suggests that relationships are patterned according to internal representations of relationships?
22. A greater understanding of what can enhance carers’ capacities and sensitivity to the meaning of the child’s behavior?
23 What are the components of cultural competence for transracial adoptive parents?
24. What cannot be traced to insecure attachment patterns between adoptive mothers and children in infancy?
25. What is the DSM criteria for RAD?
26. According to Barth et al., what parental desires do attachment therapies address?
27. The Child and Family Services Improvement and Innovation Act requires each state plan for oversight and coordination of health care services for any child in foster care to include what two elements?

A.  concentrating on internal working models
B.  (i) persistent disregard for basic emotional needs for comfort, stimulation, and affection; (ii) persistent disregard for basic physical needs; (iii) and/or repeated changes of primary caregivers
C. The struggle to make adoptive kinship look and feel as real as the "real thing" has been a virtual obsession in law, language, and literary representation as well as in the particular social practices that make families up.
D. the issue of "telling"
E.  (1) racial awareness, (2) survival skills, and (3) multicultural family planning.
F.  The results demonstrated that parents who adopted children with a predisposition to psychopathology had double the risk of developing both psychiatric and alcohol-related problem behaviors, compared with parents who adopted children without a predisposition to psychopathology (i.e., without a known disturbed biological background).
G.  The Quality Protects agenda’s first objective is that of ‘ensuring that children are securely attached to carers capable of providing safe and effective care for the duration of childhood’.
H.  Howe et al. (2001) point out that greater understanding of the meaning of underlying attachment patterns can enhance carers’ capacities and sensitivity to the meaning of the child’s behavior.
I.  Attachment therapies apparently address the desire of parents to find a way to improve lifelong outcomes for their children, especially a way that offers a past explanation and does not heavily emphasize changing their current interactions with, and expectations of, their children
J.  (1) medical emergencies and procedures such as surgeries, (2) crises from adolescents' behavior problems, (3) dealing with service providers to obtain services (special education, physical therapy, and medical), and (4) concern about the future. Families were helped by receiving social support from other parents of children with disabilities, maintaining a positive focus, appreciating the child's progress, learning about the child's condition and what could be controlled, and having no sense of guilt over the child's condition.
K.  higher rates of psychological and academic problems among adopted children
L.  high parental expectations of the child, lack of experience with adopted children or children with disabilities, having a strong religious belief, and negative parent attitudes about the child and the adoption process
M.  monitoring and treatment of emotional trauma associated with child’s maltreatment and removal from home and protocols for appropriate use and monitoring of psychotropic medications

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Additional post test questions for Psychologists, Ohio Counselors, and Ohio MFT’s