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Psychologist Post-Test

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1. What are three approaches to moving beyond stereotypes in multicultural counseling?
2. What are the four common approaches to multi-cultural training?
3. What are the five cultural adaptation methods?
4. What are the five factors that regulate the relationship between acculturation and stress?


A. Assimilation, Integration, Alternation, Rejection, and Marginalization.
B. Intercultural Versus Intracultural Differences, Transculturalism, and a Tridimensional Approach.
C. Mode of acculturation, phase of acculturation, nature of the subculture, characteristics of the adapting group, and characteristics of the acculturating individual.
D. Universal, Ubiquitous, Traditional, Race-Based.


5. What decreases in response to counterstereotypic mental imagery increasing the accessibility of counterstereotypic associations?
6. What is often incorporated in the literature on cultural diversity and multiculturalism and is equally difficult, if not impossible to objectively measure and cannot be "tested empirically?  
7. What cultural counseling issues are grouped under reconciliation? 
8. What is a cause of multicultural client complaints? 
9. What do clinicians need to be aware of and feel positive about to feel as comfortable as possible in cross-cultural work?


A.  Clinicians need to be aware of and feel positive about their own ethnic and cultural identity.
B.  automatic stereotypes 
C.  the lack of fit between the minority client and the dominant culture
D.  The many issues of respecting indigenous populations, prizing their difference, dealing with their special counselling needs and yet working towards an accommodation between indigenous and settler populations are grouped under this heading of reconciliation.
E.  Ethnicity

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