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- Buchicchio, Robert J. Taking Space - How To Use Separation To Explore The Future of Your Relationship. Vt: Charler Publishing, 2006.
Reviewed 2023
Update Assessing parental marital quality and divorce related to youth sexual experiences and adverse reproductive health outcomes among 50,000 Chinese college students
Wang, W., Yin, R., Cao, W., Wang, Y., Zhang, T., Yan, Y., & Tang, K. (2022). Assessing parental marital quality and divorce related to youth sexual experiences and adverse reproductive health outcomes among 50,000 Chinese college students. Reproductive health, 19(1), 219. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12978-022-01531-6
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article References:
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During high stress times of couples conflicts and separations, parents should:
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