Healthcare Training Institute - Quality Education since 1979CE for Psychologist, Social Worker, Counselor, & MFT!!

Psychologist Learning Objectives
By the end of the course, the Psychologist will know or be able to do the following as a result of having taken this course...
-Describe an example of gender-role conflict specific to loss of relationship power.
-Explain two forms of psychological abuse that your client may experience in a relationship.
-Identify three ways shame can be used to maintain control in a relationship.
-List three steps in increasing your client's awareness of verbal aggression related to intimate partner violence.
-Explain three techniques regarding the client’s good or bad guy frame of reference.
-List five forms of coercion in an abusive relationship.
-Describe a strategy you might use with a client who feels they are not being understood by his or her significant other.
The instructional level of this course is introductory, intermediate, or advanced depending on the learners clinical area of expertise.