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Psychologist Post-Test

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1. What is one rationalization some have about abuse of the personal contact boundary with clients?
2. What are some biases against the validity of the topic of the Sexual abuse of Power between client and therapists?
3. What is one key factor that adds to the power imbalance between client and therapists?
4. What are hurdles that remain after the client leaves the abusive relationship?
5. What are characteristics that separate the normal power imbalance in a therapeutic relationship from an unethical power imbalance?
6. What are warning signs that a client may be vulnerable to an abusive balance of power?
7. What are the categories listed in Schoener's typology of abuse?
8. What is one reason females are more vulnerable to therapeutic sexual abuse according to Penfold?
9. What are some factors exploitative therapy relationships can contain?
10. What is "robotization?"
11. What are the three phases a victim may experience once she realizes the truth about her abuse?
12. What is a key in working with a client who has been abused by a therapist?
13. What are three phases of healing for the survivor of abuse?
14. What are some feelings an abuse survivor experiences to detour him or her from informing others?


A. Many are still programmed to believe that they will be happy and fulfilled by serving others.
B. Indulgence of professional privilege, role reversal, secrecy, and a double bind.
C. 1. focuses on her partner without any regard for her own needs, 2. remains subservient and self-effacing, and 3. starts to regain some control over her life.
D. The Bad Apple; Victim Blaming; Sexism; the Eunuch idea; and Codes of Ethics.
E. Naive and uninformed, healthy or mildly neurotic, severely neurotic, character disorders, sociopath or narcissistic, and psychotic or borderline personality disorders.
F. Experiencing a shutdown of thoughts, feelings, judgment and initiative.
G. to show I understand, accept, and support their feelings of betrayal and anger.
H. Faith placed in the therapists as having special status.
I. Idealization of the professional; wishes for a rescuer; intense feelings bound up in the relationship; and traumatic transfer.
J. Diversion, erotic, exhibitionistic, dependency, power seeking, greed, and enabling.
K. Sexual abuse of clients mainly happened in the 90’s, and before. Today therapist are too lawsuit conscious for this to be an issue.
L. Seeking and finding support from friends and seeking professional help.
M. Shame, self-doubt, and fear.
N. 1. Remembering the trauma; 2. getting in touch with the feelings; and 3. developing a survivor rather than a victim mentality.


15. The AAMFT, NBCC, and APA prohibit sexual relationship with former client’s for a period of two years. However, what does the NASW Code state?
16. What is an example of a forceful cognitive intervention to use with a client’s self-defeating patterns, if used correctly, will not violate the balance of power?
17. What behavior on the part of clients put therapists in a position of power and yet impedes the therapist in his or her task of assisting clients to transcend their limited notions of themselves?
18. What are problematic feelings a therapist might experience regarding a client/patient that might lead to a sexual transgression?

A. You have the capacity to stop making things difficult for yourself and others when you decide to think differently about your situation and your life.
B. The professional should not engage in sexual activities or sexual contact with former clients because of the potential for harm to the client.
C. Nonevaluative trust or distrust.
D. Thinking about the person outside of the normal context; recurring thoughts or fantasies about intimacy with the client; satisfying personal wishes rather than focusing on therapeutic goals.

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