Healthcare Training Institute - Quality Education since 1979 CE for Psychologist, Social Worker, Counselor, & MFT!! Section
1 Question
1 | Test | Table of Contents | Introduction This
course primarily deals with balancing power concerning the violation of the personal
contact boundary by therapists regarding their clients. The Institute selected
this topic as a result of a survey conducted of Professional Licensure Boards
in several states. The Boards were asked what ethical area they would select as
having the greatest priority. ♦ 3 Rationalizations for Sexual Violation
But the truth is many mental health professions rely on a number of rationalizations and assumptions that allow us to maintain certain beliefs about balancing the power in the therapeutic relationship regarding sexual contact boundary. Here are three I've found. See where you fit. 1. Are you thinking, right now, balancing therapeutic power regarding the sexual contact with clients no longer exists? 2. Do you think that the occurrence of this contact is currently greatly exaggerated? 3. Do you think that we are able to, "so to speak," police ourselves, and that clients who complain are treated with dignity and respect? I feel beliefs that maintain the silence about abuse of patients, clients, residents, etc. perpetuate these rationalizations. My belief is that understanding is the first step to learning. My hope is that you feel you have a real interest in learning more about this complex and emotionally laden topic. And perhaps the gem, as mentioned earlier, that you might gain from this course is a better understanding of the dynamic of the abuse of power by those in therapeutic roles. Thus,
the content of this course will be divided into two parts. The first part deals
with warning signs, risk factors, and stages of recovery. The final part deals
with treatment interventions. Peer-Reviewed Journal Article References: Demos, V. C. (2017). When the frame breaks: Ripple effects of sexual Dimen, M. (2017). Eight topics: A conversation on sexual boundary Gabbard, G. O. (2017). Sexual boundary violations in psychoanalysis: QUESTION
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