Answer questions. Then click the "Check Your Score" button. When you get a score of 80% or higher, and place a credit card order, you can download a Certificate for 1 CE's. Click for Psychologist Posttest. If you have problems with Scoring or placing an Order, please contact us at
Course Transcript Questions The answer to Question 1 is found in Section 1 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 2 is found in Section 2 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question. Do not add any spaces.
1. What are questions to ask yourself to decrease burnout and prevent compassion fatigue? 2. What cognitive strategies can a therapist use to reduce stress and prevent burnout? 3. When you are distracted away from your breath in meditation how do you briefly switch your attention to the distraction? 4. What is a worry that is caused by a clinician's negative emotional reaction related to transference and/or countertransference towards a patient/client? 5. What are symptoms of empathy fatigue?
A. -Reframe the problem -Choose positive thoughts -Meditate on positive words -Practice positive affirmations -Take responsibility for your thoughts -Have realistic expectations -Visualize the outcome you desire -Post affirmations on a mirror -Work a puzzle/game B. -Is this thought/belief protecting me in some way, or did it used to? Is it still helping me, or is it not anymore? – What is the evidence for or against this belief/thought? – Is this type of thinking a habit for me, rather than being based in facts? – Could something different actually be true? – If this negative thought IS true, could I deal with it better than I am giving myself credit for? – What is a more helpful thought that I can buy into? – How can I remind myself of this more helpful thought? C.That others will perceive him or her as inadequate. D. -Make the distraction the temporary object of your meditation. -Switch your attention to the distraction only long enough to notice certain things about it. -What is it? -How strong is it? -How long does it last? -Return your attention to your breath as soon as you have wordlessly answered these questions. E. Felling like a robot, moving mechanically from one session to the next; and not taking time to sit with any real emotions.
If you have problems with Scoring or placing an Order, please contact us at Additional post test questions for Psychologists, Ohio Counselors, and Ohio MFT’s