Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
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- Hamburger ME, Basile KC, Vivolo AM. Measuring Bullying Victimization, Perpetration, and Bystander Experiences: A Compendium of Assessment Tools. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, 2011, p. 101-105.
Relationships between Spirituality,
Happiness, and Prosocial Bystander
Behavior in Bullying
-The Mediating Role of Altruism
- - García-Vázquez, F. I., Durón-Ramos, M. F., Pérez-Rios, R., & Pérez-Ibarra, R. E. (2022). Relationships between Spirituality, Happiness, and Prosocial Bystander Behavior in Bullying-The Mediating Role of Altruism. European journal of investigation in health, psychology and education, 12(12), 1833–1841
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article References:
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Casey, E. A., Lindhorst, T., & Storer, H. L. (2017). The situational-cognitive model of adolescent bystander behavior: Modeling bystander decision-making in the context of bullying and teen dating violence.Psychology of Violence, 7(1), 33–44.
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Menolascino, N., & Jenkins, L. N. (2018). Predicting bystander intervention among middle school students.School Psychology Quarterly, 33(2), 305–313.
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