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Peer-Reviewed Journal Article References:
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Nakamura, N., Tummala-Narra, P., & Zárate, M. A. (2013). Expanding our borders: Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology’s special issue on immigration. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 19(3), 233–235. 

Norton, I. M., & Manson, S. M. (1996). Research in American Indian and Alaska Native communities: Navigating the cultural universe of values and process. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 64(5), 856–860. 

O'Keefe, V. M., Cwik, M. F., Haroz, E. E., & Barlow, A. (2019). Increasing culturally responsive care and mental health equity with indigenous community mental health workers. Psychological Services. Advance online publication.

Patallo, B. J. (2019). The multicultural guidelines in practice: Cultural humility in clinical training and supervision. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 13(3), 227–232. 

Rasmus, S. M., Trickett, E., Charles, B., John, S., & Allen, J. (2019). The qasgiq model as an indigenous intervention: Using the cultural logic of contexts to build protective factors for Alaska Native suicide and alcohol misuse prevention. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 25(1), 44–54

Schaefer, K. R., Muller, C. J., Smith, J. J., Avey, J. P., & Shaw, J. L. (2020). Using the electronic health record to identify suicide risk factors in an Alaska Native Health System. Psychological Services. Advance online publication.

Sehgal, R., Saules, K., Young, A., Grey, M. J., Gillem, A. R., Nabors, N. A., Byrd, M. R., & Jefferson, S. (2011). Practicing what we know: Multicultural counseling competence among clinical psychology trainees and experienced multicultural psychologists. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 17(1), 1–10.

Shepherd, S. M., & Lewis-Fernandez, R. (2016). Forensic risk assessment and cultural diversity: Contemporary challenges and future directions. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 22(4), 427–438.

Taylor, D. M., & Kachanoff, F. J. (2015). Managing cultural diversity without a clearly defined cultural identity: The ultimate challenge. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 21(4), 546–559.

Taylor, M. A., Anderson, E. M., & Bruguier Zimmerman, M. J. (2014). Suicide prevention in rural, tribal communities: The intersection of challenge and possibility. Journal of Rural Mental Health, 38(2), 87–97.

Tormala, T. T., Patel, S. G., Soukup, E. E., & Clarke, A. V. (2018). Developing measurable cultural competence and cultural humility: An application of the cultural formulation. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 12(1), 54–61.

Trimble, J. E., & Clearing-Sky, M. (2009). An historical profile of American Indians and Alaska Natives in psychology. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 15(4), 338–351. 

Tummala-Narra, P. (2015). Cultural competence as a core emphasis of psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 32(2), 275–292.

West, A. E., Telles, V., Antony, V., Zeledon, I., Moerner, L., & Soto, C. (2021). An opioid and substance use disorder needs assessment study for American Indian and Alaska Native youth in California. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors.

Additional References:

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Table of Contents