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Section 22 Question 22 | Answer Booklet | Table of Contents
Our purpose in this collection is to offer an array of papers that are psychologically close to the suicide experience, or else throw light on that experience If these papers are essential, it is because they deepen our grasp of the texture and color of the inner lives and struggles of suicidal patients and the corollary challenges they pose for those who treat them. In a general sense, Maltsberger and Goldblatt's book addresses the question, What clues to suicidal events-to their etiology and mollification-can we glean from the psychiatric and psychological literature published in the 20th century? Here are some of my reactions to the contents of the book- eschewing the topics of obvious omissions and unnecessary inclusions-about groupings of papers, implications for therapy, views of the suicidal act, and what we are supposed to learn about suicidological theorizing. After making obeisance to Freud's indispensable 1917 paper on "Mourning and Melancholy" in the preface-and saying that they did not reprint it because it is easily available elsewhere-Maltsberger and Goldblatt then reprint, with instructive comments, the 40 selections) chronologically, beginning with Ernest Jones's 1911 paper relating suicide to birth and death. Then follow important papers by Karl Menninger, Gregory Zilboorg, and two score of other worthies including Robert Litman, Aaron Beck, Marie Asberg, Herbert Hendin, and Jan Fawcett. At first reading I felt overwhelmed by the plethora of intellectual richness, but then I saw that the papers might sensibly be divided among five categories: (a) papers about affective states; (b) papers relating to psychiatric diagnostic categories, physiological changes, or demographic indicia; (c) papers discussing the therapist or the family; (d) papers about the biology or possible genetics of suicide; and (e) papers concerning psychodynamic formulations. A few words about each: 1. Affective states.
These included papers touching on such topics as hopelessness, loneliness, anxiety,
depression, despair, fear, anguish, aggression, and anhedonia-11 such pieces. All of these formulations, a priori, might be true-or none might be true. It is certainly food for thought, and they have sometimes been the main course in banquets of psychotherapy, but I am not yet satisfied that the enduring proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins of suicide prevention are contained in that menu. It may well be that those 40 authors were not only examining very different parts of the beast-the trunk, the tail, a leg-but that it was not an elephant in the first place. It may have been a unicorn, in which case they certainly missed looking at its distinguishing horn that, in its pointed convolutions, may contain the magical elixir of knowledge. Here is my summary of those 40 items contained in Essential Papers on Suicide: In the 20th century, suicidologists (mostly psychoanalytically oriented psychiatrists) seem to have written about four psychological aspects of suicide: 1. Fight. These
are papers on suicide as murder, aggression, rage, anger, spite, rejection, revenge,
the wish to kill. This thread has been overemphasized, in my opinion. Suicide
can be other than homicide; the principal emotional state can be other than murderous
rage. The Maltsberger and Goldblatt book is important. The book itself is essential, but like many essential items in life, it nonetheless leaves us hungering for other templates, radically different approaches to suicidal phenomena. Some years ago, responding to some needs I felt-order? understanding?-and in an effort to be a more effective therapist with suicidal persons I was then treating at the University of California, Los Angeles, Neuropsychiatric Institute (where I was a professor for some 20 years), I prepared, on one sheet, a list of Henry A. Murray's psychological needs-taken from Chapter 3, "Aspects of Personality," of Murray's monumental Explorations in Personality. After a therapy session, I would rate the patient, distributing exactly ioo points among the 20 need categories. I made these ratings after each session so that I could monitor the flow of the therapy. This simple form-admittedly a profanation of Murray's 100 pages of finely stenciled text-gave me a new format, a fresh conceptualization, another template for understanding my patient's dialogues with suicide-what Murray had called "the full Congress of the mind." I have always felt that the therapist's understanding of a concept is propaedeutic to any consistent psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is not just a hierarchical conversation; therapy goes much better if there is a clear conceptual template in the therapist's head. I thought then and believe today that I had found mine in Explorations in Personality. In retrospect, in almost every case I have ever seen, it appears that suicide is pushed by pain; suicidal fantasies and acts are efforts to escape or put a stop to the pain that flows through the mind. It is a special kind of pain, psychological pain, the pain of the negative emotions-guilt, fear, shame, defeat, humiliation, disgrace, grief, dread, woe, loneliness, hopelessness, frustrated love, fractured needs, rage, hostility, and the perception that the pain is unbearable. For the suicidal person, that psychological pain, that pain in the mind, that psychache, has an intensity that pushes it into a special qualitative state; it is deemed unbearable, intolerable, unacceptable; it has crossed a certain critical line somewhere in the mind (see E. S. Shneidman, The Suicidal Mind. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996). These are some of the reflections
I could not have had if I had not been mesmerized and catalyzed by the cornucopia
of thoughts contained in Essential Papers on Suicide. From my own experience with
this endlessly stimulating volume, I cannot believe that any thoughtful reader
can peruse these two-score papers (and read the editors' thoughtful comments)
without significant inner growth. QUESTION
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