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Assessing ADHD Symptoms in Children
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I realize you are all too familiar with the eight common
symptoms of ADHD, but I felt it might be beneficial to make sure we are
all on the same theoretical page regarding ADHD diagnosis. As I explain
briefly each of the eight symptoms, have a client in mind and make a
mental checklist as to the symptoms he or she is exhibiting and the therapeutic
strategy you are using. Even though this course deals with Attention
Deficit Disorder in children, I would like to use this
section to compare and contrast eight common ADHD symptoms in children
and adults.
The eight common ADHD symptoms we will
be comparing and contrasting children with adults are: inattention, impulsivity,
difficulty delaying gratification, emotional overarousal, hyperactivity,
noncompliance, social problems, and disorganization.
8 Common Symptoms
♦ Symptom #1 - Inattention
Regarding the first common symptom, inattention, clients
with ADHD will often find themselves having trouble concentrating on many
things. As you know, inattention may hurt adults with ADHD at work, where
they may not be able to finish as much as they would like to. At home,
inattention may be the reason adults don’t stay on top of household
chores. For children with ADHD, the situation is similar: they may not
be able to complete schoolwork or manage their responsibilities at home.
The day can seem like an endless series of frustrations. However, this
inattention can also frustrate ADHD clients in social situations where
many conversations are occurring. The person with ADHD will likely have
difficulty following the conversation to which they are supposed to be
paying attention.
♦ Symptom #2 - Impulsivity
The second common ADHD symptom, impulsivity, is often not
as apparent in adults with ADHD as it is in children with ADHD. People
with ADHD may have a tendency to interrupt, blurt things out, or yell
in conversation. Sound familiar?
♦ Symptom #3 - Difficulty Delaying Gratification
The third common symptom, difficulty delaying gratification,
is related to the ADHD client’s sense of impatience and frustration
stimulated by having to wait and think. For children with ADHD, difficulty
delaying gratification often causes them to have trouble finding the
patience for academic tasks. Adults with ADHD may display the difficulty
delaying gratification symptom by lacking the patience to balance a check
book, file a tax return, or pay the bills.
♦ Symptom #4 - Emotional Overarousal
In addition to inattention, impulsivity, and difficulty
delaying gratification, the fourth symptom of ADHD is emotional
overarousal. For ADHD children, emotional overarousal is primarily manifested
in hyper-silly routines and ferocious tempers. Once they have become
adults, the hyper-silly routine is less common. However, ADHD adults
often still struggle with their tempers. Sound like a client of yours?
♦ Symptom #5 - Hyperactivity
The fifth common symptom of ADHD is hyperactivity. As you
are aware, hyperactivity is commonly displayed in children and adults
with ADHD by a tendency to fidget and move around a lot. However, hyperactivity
can also take a verbal form. ADHD clients may have rapid, non-stop speech,
and they may not be very good listeners. As you know, some clients are
ADHD but not HD. In the next section we will talk about these idiosyncratic
♦ Symptom #6 - Noncompliance
The sixth common symptom of ADHD, noncompliance, is simply
a problem with following rules. Children with ADHD may be easier to spot
by the noncompliance symptom because there are often more rules for them
to break. I have noticed that in adults with ADHD, noncompliance is less
obvious because they don’t often have others telling them what
to do as much. However, they may have difficulty with supervision in
the workplace. Supervision often stirs up "anti-parent" antagonisms
from their childhoods.
♦ Symptom #7 - Social Problems
The seventh common symptom of ADHD is social problems. Children
with ADHD may struggle to make friends and get along with peers. By the
time they are adults, people with ADHD have generally given up on creating
and maintaining long lasting relationships. The social problems are often
caused by other symptoms of ADHD: temper, talkativeness, and restlessness,
for example. Social problems will also be dealt with in detail in the
next section as an idiosyncratic, unique pattern.
♦ Symptom #8 - Disorganization
Finally, the eighth common symptom of ADHD is disorganization.
In children with ADHD, disorganization is often noticed through schoolwork.
For ADHD adults, disorganization is manifested in their difficulty keeping
track of dates, times, and appointments. For both children and adults
with ADHD, their memory can be amazingly erratic. They may often have
a number of projects that were started and never completed. Sound like
a client of yours?
In this section... we have talked about the eight common symptoms
of ADHD. The eight common symptoms are inattention, impulsivity, difficulty
delaying gratification, emotional overarousal, hyperactivity, noncompliance,
social problems, and disorganization.
In the next section, we will discuss the five Idiosyncratic,
Unique Patterns of children with ADHD. The five Idiosyncratic, Unique
patterns of children with ADHD are good social skills, a high IQ, shyness,
no siblings or one-on-one preschool situation with parents, and ADHD without
hyperactivity. We will also talk about the misdiagnosis of ADHD for Learning
Reviewed 2023
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article References:
Arias, V. B., Ponce, F. P., Martínez-Molina, A., Arias, B., & Núñez, D. (2016). General and specific attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder factors of children 4 to 6 years of age: An exploratory structural equation modeling approach to assessing symptom multidimensionality. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 125(1), 125–137.
"Neurophysiological factors associated with cognitive deficits in children with ADHD symptoms: EEG and neuropsychological analysis": Correction to Machinskaya et al. (2014) (2015). Psychology & Neuroscience, 8(4), 434.
Patros, C. H. G., Tarle, S. J., Alderson, R. M., Lea, S. E., & Arrington, E. F. (Mar 2019). Planning deficits in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): A meta-analytic review of tower task performance. Neuropsychology, 33(3), 425-44.
Pelham, W. E. III, Page, T. F., Altszuler, A. R., Gnagy, E. M., Molina, B. S. G., & Pelham, W. E., Jr. (2020). The long-term financial outcome of children diagnosed with ADHD. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 88(2), 160–171.
Smith, Z. R., Eadeh, H.-M., Breaux, R. P., & Langberg, J. M. (2019). Sleepy, sluggish, worried, or down? The distinction between self-reported sluggish cognitive tempo, daytime sleepiness, and internalizing symptoms in youth with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Psychological Assessment, 31(3), 365–375.
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