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- Phillips, Rhiannon; Spears, Melissa R.; Montgomery, Alan A.; Millings, Abigail; Sayal, Kapil; Stallard, Paul. Could a brief assessment of negative emotions and self-esteem identify adolescents at current and future risk of self-harm in the community? A prospective cohort analysis. BMC Public Health. 2013, Vol. 13 Issue 1, p1-11.
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- Victor, Sarah Elizabeth; Klonsky, E. David. Daily Emotion in Non-Suicidal Self-Injury. Journal of Clinical Psychology. Apr2014, Vol. 70 Issue 4, p364-375.
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- Zetterqvist, Maria, Lars-Gunnar Lundh and Carl Göran Svedin, A Cross-Sectional Study of Adolescent Non-Suicidal Self-Injury: Support for a Specific Distress-Function Relationship, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 2014, p1-14.