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Psychologist Post-Test

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1. Scholars use the term "Disengagement" to describe physical and psychological withdrawal from particular identities or roles. What is the reason white supremacists disengage?
2. Being a white supremacist is comparable to holding a "master status." Why does white supremacy cut across a person's multiple identities?
3. How do white supremacists express their lifestyles and worldviews?
4. What does the second type of residual involve?
5. Who uses self-talk as a strategy to respond to the sudden resurfacing of thoughts, feelings, physiological responses, and unwanted behavior?
6. Who appears to generate a "phantom community" with a persistent influence on thoughts, feelings, physiological responses, and behavior?
7. What is Sense of Urgency?
8. What characteristic of white supremacy culture does the following describe: "those with power think they are capable of making decisions for and in the interests of those without power?"
9. How should one respond when someone raises an issue that causes discomfort?
10. Who are the people in an organization who believe they are responsible for solving problems alone?


A. Typically at the core of one’s self-concept, and occupies a central position in one’s daily life.
B. The habitual and unwanted thoughts, feelings, physiological responses, and behavior that can follow exit.
C. Substantial relapses, where individuals fully embody a return to their previous identity as a white supremacist.
D. Cultural markers, such as white power music and, in turn, these cultural practices offer powerful social and psychic rewards.
E. Former Extremists.
F. Hate groups.
G. Paternalism
H. Frequently results in sacrificing potential allies for quick or highly visible results, for example sacrificing interests of communities of color in order to win victories for white people (seen as default or norm community).
I. Individualism
J. Blame the person for raising the issue rather than to look at the issue which is actually causing the problem.

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