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Psychologist Post-Test

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1. How can an HIV positive client productively redirect anger?
2. How can an HIV positive client learn to live with fear?
3. What are the things an HIV positive client might consider before disclosure?
4. What is the method of sexual gratification with the lowest risk of viral transmission?
5. What must be combined with emotional healing to achieve productive results?
6. What are the criteria for discrimination? 
7. What are the ways you can help your client begin taking control of his or her life?


A. by dissipating fear with information or by talking to others with similar experiences. 
B. with emotional healing to achieve productive results.
C. by separating the anger from the erroneous target or by finding alternative mechanisms to discharge anger.
D. Action or inaction that causes harm or injury. Harm or injury. Disparate or unequal treatment. Disparate or unequal impact. Separate treatment.
E. by dividing and conquering, positive denial, and maintaining equilibrium. 
F. being clear about why they want to disclose, the worst case scenario, giving plenty of time to process the information, and choosing a setting.
G. Masturbation


8. What did Bowler et al discover about HIV+ men who discovered personal meaning in their losses?
9. What are the common concerns among HIV+ clients regarding employment?
10. What are the common client concerns regarding medical treatment?
11. According to Britton, what are the psychosocial issues common to HIV+ clients?
12. What is a concern with a counselor becoming overly active in their sessions with an HIV+ client?
13. According to Serovich, what is an important part of therapy with HIV positive men?
14. What are the key questions adolescents with HIV have concerning disclosure?
15. In Hosek’s study, what are the themes common to HIV positive adolescents’ concerns regarding intimate relationships?
16. What are the early steps in the traumatizing process of an HIV positive client?
17. What are the key concepts of analytical therapy to keep in mind when treating an HIV positive client?


A.  1. Fear of infecting a partner; 2. Fear of rejection due to HIV status; 3. Concerns whether anyone would be willing to be in a relationship with an HIV positive partner.
B. 1. Unpredictability; 2. Difficulties in undertaking treatment; 3. Denial as a coping method; 4. Life/career planning; 5. Nonrepsonsiveness; and 6. Adherence issues.
C. 1. A defensive form of splitting, 2. specific kinds of identifications and projections, and 3. the collapse of the symbolic function.
D. 1. How do I tell them? 2. What will they do or say?
E. showed a plateau in the decline of CD4T cell levels and a lower rate of AIDS-related mortality.
F. 1. Possible losses or changes in health benefits; 2. possible negative effects on health; 3. concerns about disclosing HIV status; 4. insufficient job skills and education; 5. and possible prejudice and stigma related to HIV status.
G. Assisting HIV-positive men to identify barriers that may be existing for them in regards to social support from family and friend.
H. Two key concepts of analytical therapy are: 1. Containment and interpretation; 2. Countertransference
I. Client concerns include: 1. adjusting to health-related limitations; 2. coping with emotional reactions to their illness and to interpersonal insensitivity from medical care providers; and 3. managing the paradox of hope and realism related to the prognosis of their illness
J. The overly active "fix it" strategy encourages clients to take action, but may prevent both counselor and client from uncovering salient issues.

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Additional post test questions for Psychologists, Ohio Counselors, and Ohio MFT’s