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Psychologist Post-Test

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1. What are the results of an abusive controlling relationship?
2. The "instant-replay syndrome" and "guilt trip strategy" are examples of what?
3. What are the tactics the controlling abusive partner may use to establish and maintain his power-base in the relationship?
4. What is one application of the Cold-Weather Analogy?
5. Jekyll-and–Hyde reframing can result in what benefit for your client?
6. What are the patterns of specific behavior related to brainwashing?
7. What are the Connect-the-Dot perspectives?
8. What are the urban legends or myths regarding solutions to abuse by the “Great Catch?”
9. To reconstruct the reality of self-blame experienced by your client, what are the key words to use to recall the B-A-D questions in a session with a client?
10. In "Communication Magic" the victim of the abuse rationalizes that her "Great Catch" will magically stop saying hurtful things once he understands what about her?
11. In “Dispute Listing” what are the two types of entries on the Client Worksheet?

a. Substance abuse; unhealthy childhood; stress; insecurity; and venting feelings
b. Mildly attacking and then vigorously attacking the abusive behavior
c. Loss of Power and Disintegration of self-image
d. Giving self permission to have and express negative feelings about the “Great Catch”
e. Once he understands his partner's good intentions
f. A validation of feelings
g. Isolation; focus on the batterer's potential anger; exhaustion; dependency; feelings of incompetence; threats; occasional indulgences; demonstration of superiority or power; degradation and humiliation; and enforcing trivial demands
h. Can't-You-Take-a-Joke; The Betrayal-of-a-Confidence; Breaking-an-Agreement
i. Labeling
j. Bear, Acceptable; and Deserve
k. Potential verses reality; reacting and defending verses goal-directed productive behavior; “If only” hoping

12. In addition to delusions of the Jealous Type, what are two other types of delusions?
13. What are the distinct reputations a Controller may have?
14. What makes an adolescent trapped in a controlling relationship a lethal situation?
15. How do we filter meanings?
16. What are some relationship Inner Rules your client may have?
17. What kinds of speech patterns do some clients use that result in loss of power?
18. What is a strategy you might use with a client who feels they are not being understood by his or her significant other?
19. What limits options for some clients?
20. Why do many clients seek to avoid reaching out building new relationships?
21. Clients who are out of the controlling relationship have a useful attributes, but they are unable to gain access to them. Why?
22. What are examples of useful skills that can be gained from going through a controlling relationship?


a. Be able to take it; Be prepaired for anything
b. Have your client ask their significant other to summarize what they've said
c. Inner rules, which may need some updating
d. Reading people and emotions, leaving the scene when necessary, being exacting or being a perfectionist
e. Persecutory and Grandiose.
f. They most likely see them they same way that other people have taught them to see them - as quirks, shortcomings, defects, weaknesses
g. Through a set of inner expectations, rules, and underlying values
h. They believe “Those who love me also hurt me.”
i. One group of individuals will give glowing reports and another group will warn that the significant other is serious trouble
j. Prefacing and Tagging, Questioning Tone, Hedges or Qualifiers, Nonwords and nonphrases
k. Threat of suicide

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