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Psychologist Post-Test

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1. What are ways Asian American clients might cope with the culture conflict?
2. Why might the Gestalt "Empty Chair" technique be inappropriate for Asian American clients like Chiyo?
3. What are important points to incorporate in counseling a African American client?
4. What were the ethical issues raised by Gerald’s case?
5. What is the difference between an acculturated Hispanic client and an assimilated Hispanic client?
6. What were the two main conflicts in Luisa’s case?
7. What are examples of pseudosecrecy statements that should be avoided when treating a Native American client?


A. Societal acceptance
B. "Feel free to tell me" or "You can rest assured I won’t tell anyone".
C. Inflexibility of therapist and no clarification of goals and expectations.
D. It forces them to deal with conflicts directly.
E. Self-identity, sociotherapy, and survival behavior
F. Task-oriented approach versus personality, and misunderstanding of the extended family structure in the Hispanic family.
G.  They may become traditionalists, marginalists, or they may rebel against parental authority while trying to develop a new identity.


8. At what stage will a minority client transfer anger and depreciation to a counselor from the dominant culture, now seen as an instrument of oppression? 
9. What complicates the definition of therapy guidelines even for the conscientious and well-intentioned counselor and therapist?
10. According to Kocet, what is the first attitude and belief a counselor should have in order to develop appropriate cross-cultural intervention strategies and techniques? 
11. What is the ethical principle of "doing good" by keeping the client from harm and aspiring to benefit the client? 
12. What is the "culture of poverty thesis?"
13. According to Bruner, what are narratives?
14. According to Harley et al., what is at the core of the construc­tion of racialized and sexualized hatreds and of socioeconomic meritocracy and classism? 
15. The Code of Ethics broadened the concept of family to include what?


A.   any person from the perspective of the client who plays a central role in that person’s life
B. Resistance stage
C. beneficence.
D. Culturally skilled counselors respect clients' religious and/or spiritual beliefs and values about physical and mental functioning.

E.  Disproportional rates of poverty in communities of color come not from structural changes in the economy but rather from pathologies within individuals, families, and cultures.
Self-imposed supremacy by the dominant culture
G.  Cultural differences
The way that individuals use language to frame their experiences and memories. Narratives are used to help us understand reality and to understand self.

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