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Section 3
Findings from Comparative Studies between DSM-5
Comorbid OCD–BDD and OCD Patient Diagnosis

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- Frías, Á., Palma, C., Farriols, N., & González, L. (2015). Comorbidity between obsessive-compulsive disorder and body dysmorphic disorder: prevalence, explanatory theories, and clinical characterization. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 11, 2240–2244.
Reviewed 2023

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article References:
Giraldo-O'Meara, M., & Belloch, A. (2019). The Appearance Intrusions Questionnaire: A self-report questionnaire to assess the universality and intrusiveness of preoccupations about appearance defects. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 35(3), 423–435.

Schulte, J., Dietel, F. A., Wilhelm, S., Nestler, S., & Buhlmann, U. (2021). Temporal dynamics of insight in body dysmorphic disorder: An ecological momentary assessment study. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 130(4), 365–376.

Summers, B. J., & Cougle, J. R. (2018). An experimental test of the role of appearance-related safety behaviors in body dysmorphic disorder, social anxiety, and body dissatisfaction. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 127(8), 770–780.Olatunji, B. O., Ebesutani, C., & Tolin, D. F. (2019). A bifactor model of obsessive beliefs: Specificity in the prediction of obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms. Psychological Assessment, 31(2), 210–225.

Unlike OCD comorbidity in patients with a primary diagnosis of BDD, there is also consistent evidence indicating that the presence of BDD comorbidity exerts what? To select and enter your answer go to Test.

Section 4
Table of Contents