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Psychologist Post-Test

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1. There have been several important changes in BDD criteria from DSM-IV to DSM-5. First, BDD has been reclassified from somatoform disorders in DSM-IV to obsessive-compulsive and related disorders under DSM-5. Second, DSM-5 BDD has added a diagnostic criterion indicating that the patient must have had repetitive behaviors or mental acts that were in response to preoccupations with perceived defects or flaws in physical appearance. Why has a Third Criterion of "with muscle dysmorphia" specifier been added?
2. OCD has both compulsions and obsessions. Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Hoarding Disorder are characterized by what?
3. Unlike OCD comorbidity in patients with a primary diagnosis of BDD, there is also consistent evidence indicating that the presence of BDD comorbidity exerts what?
4. BDDs delusional variant used to be considered a form of BDD which required what?
What are basic criteria for clients with BDD?
6. What are types of obsessions that BDD clients often have?
7. What are concepts related to a BDD client’s functionality?
8. What are concepts of suicide related to BDD?
9. What are concepts related to gender and BDD?
10. What are concepts of BDD in child clients?
11. What are theories related to the root causes of BDD?
12. What triggers BDD symptoms?
13. What are difficulties in exposing BDD clients to anxiety-provoking situations?
14. What are common aspects that fuel automatic thoughts found in BDD clients?
15. What are aspects of family members of BDD clients?
16. What are aspects of depression in BDD clients?
17. What are disorders that are similar to BDD?
18. What are more techniques that can be beneficial in treating clients with BDD?


A. Comments; stress; and grudges.
B. Similarities, differences, and feelings of worthlessness.
C. Mirror Retraining; Habit Reversal; Mindfulness; and Refocusing.
D. Active thoughts; obsessive behaviors; and related to others.
E. Suicidal thoughts; self-loathing; and self-deprecation and hallucinations.
F. Trigger events; core beliefs; and cognitive errors.
G. Characteristics; long-term consequences; and adolescence.
H. Similarities; differences; and femininity and masculinity.
I. Social anxiety; self-esteem; and behavioral experiments.
J. Displacement; teasing; and familial expectations.
K. Preoccupation; distress; and differentiating from other disorders.
L. Feelings of neglect; angry parents; and education.
M. Hypochondria; obsessive compulsive disorder; and social phobia.
N. Awareness of dysfunctional behavior; bodily damage; and alcohol and drug use.
O. cognitive obsessive symptoms such as perceived defects or flaws in physical appearance or the perceived need to save possessions
P. To reflect growing literature on the diagnostic validity and clinical utility of making this distinction in individuals with BDD.
Q. coding with delusional disorder; this has been abandoned in DSM-5, and an ‘insight specifier’ has been adopted (American Psychiatric Association, 2013), such that BDD may be coded as being characterized by good or fair insight, poor insight, or absent insight (delusional beliefs).
R. cumulative negative impact on OCD individuals, both functional (eg, poorer quality of life, more unemployment, and living alone) and psychopathological (more comorbidity with social phobia, alcohol-SUD, Cluster B personality disorders, and suicidal ideation).


19. According to Phillips, when can Body Dysmorphic Disorder be diagnosed?
20. According to the DSM, what are the two subtypes of BDD, and how do their classifications lend to controversy over whether both subtypes are in fact the same disorder?
21. Why may women be more prone to depression and BDD than men?
22. According to Ackerman, what occurs in the majority of clients with BDD who have aesthetic plastic surgery to correct a perceived flaw?
23. According to Eggers, what kind of family history is most typical for clients with body dysmorphia and eating disorders?
24. According to Guindon, what are the three aspects of the self-esteem system? 
25. Why can it be more useful to address selective self-esteem with a BDD client, than addressing the client’s global self-esteem?
26. According to the American Journal of Psychiatry, what is the rate of suicide risk in a BDD client?
27. According to John, what is the best indicator that BDD may be present?
28. What is the most effective form of psychotherapy for most BDD clients?
29. According to Weiss, why is Tai’Chi useful in group psychotherapy for BDD?
30. What are the five phases in integrative group psychotherapy for BDD?
31. What are the demographic characteristics found for BDD in this study?


A.  Self esteem, global self esteem, and selective self esteem.
B.  dissatisfied with the results and often then become preoccupied with another part of their body. The client may seek multiple surgeries and never be satisfied with the results. 
C.  introduction and evaluation, externalized objects, internalized objects, pre-termination, and termination and review.
D.  Cognitive behavior therapy. Components of effective CBT for BDD include psychoeducation, encouragement to gradually abandon ritual behaviors, exposure and response prevention, systematic desensitization to feared situations, and instruction in thought-stopping and relaxation techniques.   
E.  if the person reports being preoccupied with some aspect of his or her appearance, or his or her entire appearance. A useful guideline is whether the person thinks about the appearance "flaw" for at least an hour a day. Clinically significant distress or impairment in functioning must also be present.
F.   45 times more likely to commit suicide.
G. typically well situated and well educated and, to the outside world, appear to function harmoniously. Frequently, however, the children feel tremendous pressure to excel, the parents set high standards, and negative emotions such as anger or jealousy are suppressed. 
H.  as a result of self-objectification.
I.  the degree of preoccupation with appearance and resultant avoidance of occupational and social activity.
J.  Global self-esteem seems to be less amenable to change than does selective self-esteem. By attending to selective self-esteem traits or characteristics that are important to the client manifesting low self-esteem, the counselor may more likely be able to assist that client in ultimately increasing his or her level of overall self-esteem.
K.  The first subtype of BDD is a somatoform disorder in which insight is present; the second subtype is as a delusional variant , which is classified as a psychotic disorder (delusional disorder, somatic type).
L.  because it allows patients to have a body experience and accurate mirroring, i.e., using movement to experience inner and outer body images that are necessary for body-image development.
M.  may be somewhat more common in women, are less likely to be married and are more likely to be divorced, and are also significantly more likely to be unemployed than general population

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