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OCD - OCD: Seven Effective CBT Behavioral Strategies Post Test

Audio Transcript Questions The answer to Question 1 is found in Track 1 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 2 is found in Track 2 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question.
Important Note! Underlined numbers below are links to that Section. If you leave this page, use your "Back" button to return to your answers, rather than clicking on a new "Answer Booklet" link. Or use Ctrl-N to open a new window and use a separate window to review content.

Please note every section does not have an additional question below. Some sections may have more than one question.


1.1 What may be questions to answer in the Rational Argument technique?
2.1 What ideas might be included in an Exposure story?
3.1 What is the idea of the Cutting Down Thoughts technique?
3.2 What is an example of a violent mental image?
4.1 What three characteristics may clients, who rate relatively low on the harm avoidance scale, exhibit?
5.1 What may be five guidelines to help a client organize their ‘worry time?’
6.1 What may be an effective behavior strategy for clients?
7.1 What does the Gradual Selective Ritual Prevention technique allow a client to do?
7.2 What might the ritual restriction technique require a client do?

A. A story in which you place yourself in a situation that would cause you anxiety and make you want to perform a ritual. Include triggers: time of day, situations, etc. Write story without the rituals. Include any anxious feelings you know you would most likely experience in this situation
B. When I’m in any situation that causes anxiety, what is my automatic negative thought or thoughts? What is the core negative thought—the notion that goes to the heart of what makes me anxious?
C. A client picturing him or herself committing acts of violence or sex
D. To cause the client to become more aware of the thoughts
E. 1) Limit your worrying to fifteen to thirty minutes each day, once a day 2) Try to pick a time of day when you can be alone by yourself to worry, and stick with that time 3) Really let yourself get into your worrying. Try to cover any issues or problems you purposefully stopped yourself from worrying about during the previous twenty-four hours 4) At any other time during the day when you start to worry, say to yourself, ‘Stop! Save it for worry time.’ 5) Make every effort to stick with this strategy. When you tell yourself to stop, then stop. When you let yourself worry, then worry.
F. Friendliness, optimism, confidence
G. Allows clients to ritualize in situations high on the anxiety hierarchy, but to eliminate rituals entirely following exposure to easier obsessive situations
H. Requires the client to reduce his or her ritual time by a specific period of time each occasion
I. Imagined exposure strategy

Course Content Manual Questions The answer to Question 10 is found in Section 10 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 11 is found in Section 11 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question

Please note every section does not have an additional question below. Some sections may have more than one question.


8.1 How is OCD characterized?
8.2 According to Franklin, what may be the most effective treatment for OCD?
8.3 What are some cognitive techniques for OCD?
9.1 What is Y-BOCS?
11.1 What may be an occurrence that negatively affects the social-psychological adjustment of children and adolescents?
12.1 What is BDD?
13.1 According to Bebbington, what is the ratio of men and women with OCD?
14.1 What may be the goal of reassurance?
15.1 What are two self-report measures of obsessional beliefs and appraisals?
16.1 What does the process of detoxification rely on?

A. Exposure and response prevention strategy
B. By recurrent obsessive thoughts, images, or impulses that evoke anxiety and by compulsive behaviors or mental acts that are performed to reduce obsessional distress
C. Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale
D. Education about OCD symptoms, restructuring of cognitive distortions present in OCD, behavioral experiments to test the validity of irrational beliefs
E. Body dysmorphic disorder
F. Peer victimization during youth
G. To obtain 100% certainty as to whether the obsession is accurate
H. 1: 1.5
I. Cognitive restructuring and behavioral experiments to change the personal meaning of the obsessional thought
J. The Obsessional Beliefs Questionnaire (OBQ) and the Interpretation of Intrusions Inventory (III)