Ethical and Cultural Issues Arising from the Psychology of Terrorism- 3 Credit Hrs.
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HD - Treating Post Holiday Let-Down & Depression Post Test

Audio Transcript Questions The answer to Question 1 is found in Track 1 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 2 is found in Track 2 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question.
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1.1 What are thoughts to try in the ‘Criticism Analysis’ exercise to determine if criticism of yourself and others is keeping you from being happy?
1.2 What are forms of holiday ‘acting out’ to release depression?
3.1 What are steps to the ‘Letting Go of the Past’ technique?
4.1 What are steps to the ‘Pausing between the Pearls’ technique?
5.1 What are steps to the ‘Need to Be Right’ technique?
6.1 What exercise might be useful when the holiday triggers start to creep in and you are feeling the ‘holiday blues?’
6.2 What are steps to the Morning Attitude Log?
7.1 What is the biggest reward from confusion?
7.2 According to Barbara DeAngelis, what is being ‘confused?’
7.3 What are forms of holiday stresses?
8.1 How can ‘doing it,’ ‘delegating it,’ ‘throwing it away,’ and ‘questioning it,’ help you through the holidays?
8.2 What might add to depression the most?
9.1 What might be responses that stop a client from saying ‘no'?
10.1 To place yourself on the timeline of financial philosophy, what are steps in the “Holiday Finance Reflection” exercise?
11.1 What are three ways to regain control and develop a healthy relationship with your money and spending habits?
11.2 What are steps to keep your mind on thoughts of gratitude?
12.1 What are ways to give your body healthy fuel?
12.2 What is a ‘treasure map’?
12.3 What might be a powerful healing tool?

A. Beating pillows, screaming as you drive on the interstate by yourself, going for a walk or other physicial things
B. All criticism actually attacks the criticizer rather than those being criticized, criticism attacks the criticizer because it destroys your happiness, somehow if you feel that criticism of others acts to attack yourself it appears to threaten our worth as a person, do you have a secret thought that goes something like this, ‘I believe that I am thought more highly of when I have seen to it that someone else is belittled?’
C. 1) Once a day, for ten minutes, sit quietly and look at the thoughts you are having, 2) as you identify any idea, list it under one of five headings: judgment/attack, worry, fear, past, future; 3) if you decide to repeat exercise, write new insights you have had into your mental patterns regarding the five thoughts
D. Make a list of three situations in which you felt some emotion you’re terming as negative, make a separate list on a different sheet of paper, take list of three negative aspects and destroy them
E. Morning Attitude Log exercise
F. Recall a verbal exchange, take a moment now to remember what the actual words, gestures etc. were, write some brief descriptions of how you would revise the scene if you could, close your eyes, and relax body
G. You can avoid those things you need to face to actually get rid of your distress
H. Write down all that you can remember regarding what you do physically just after you awake, for next few mornings watch your behavior carefully and add anything you left out in your list, record ideas that accompany each action, change whatever you feel is needed in every action
I. Endless traffic jams, grocery stores that don’t have items you need, buying the perfect gift, visiting family, kids screaming and running through house
J. Being confused is always covering up something else. The experience makes emotions we would rather not feel, challenges we would rather not face-so instead we tell ourselves that we’re confused.
K. Cluttered desktop, closet, dresser, bathroom countertop
L. By locating distractions that eat up your day, and recognizing how they interfere with accomplishing those things that you actually value and contribute to your post holiday letdown and depression
M. Make a list of all the gifts you bought this Christmas season along with the recipient’s name. Write down the reason, the honest reason, that you bought this specific gift for this specific person, now review your list of reasons
N. If I say no, I may disappoint others. If I say no, then I'll have to deal with the reactions that others may have. I'm afraid of rocking the boat and creating conflict. If I say no, I may regret it later.
O. List five things that you’re grateful for, take this list and post if somewhere in your home, office, or car where you will be reminded of the blessing of these things, add to this list daily , when you are continually reminded of how much you have in your life, you will find your old ways of thinking about life and money begin to shift
P. Uncovering hidden thoughts and attitudes about money, developing an attitude of gratitude, designing a practical budget that is worth sticking to
Q. Laughter
R. A collage of images that reflect your goals
S. To make the emotional connection between the food and the comforting it provides is the key, add fun exercise to your daily routine, good night’s sleep

Course Content Manual Questions The answer to Question 20 is found in Section 20 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 21 is found in Section 21 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question

Please note every section does not have an additional question below. Some sections may have more than one question.


13.1 According to Annenberg Public Policy Center, out of 64 stories linking to suicide with the holidays, how many might be attributed directly to holiday depression?
13.2 What might be problems in some of the media coverage of suicides?
14.1 What are four ways to help keep the holidays a happy a joyous period of time?
14.2 What is SAD?
14.3 What percentage of individuals live within what would be considered a traditional family?
14.4 What might cause many individuals to feel a dissonance with the traditional holiday-related values?
15.1 What are three orthogonal factors that appear in both male and female college students?
15.2 What are examples of life experiences, associated with depression?
15.3 What might place women at a higher risk of depression?
16.1 For an individual suffering from panic, what is the most important issue regarding depression?
18.1 What is the most common somatic symptom reported by patients with GAD?
18.2 According to Connor, what neurochemicals and neurotransmitter systems have been implicated as potential contributors to the development of GAD?
18.3 What is the major cognitive component of GAD?
23.1 According to research, what might induce panic attacks in patients who suffer from attacks?
24.1 According to the World Health Organization, the World Bank, and the Harvard School of Public Health, what will be the second, only to ischemic heart disease, disability by 2020?

A. Certain ways of describing suicide in the news contribute to what behavioral scientists call ‘suicide contagion’ or ‘copycat’ suicides. Research suggests that inadvertently romanticizing suicide or idealizing those who take their own lives by portraying suicide as a heroic or romantic act may encourage others to identify with the victim. Exposure to suicide method through media reports can encourage vulnerable individuals to imitate it. Clinicians believe the danger is even greater if there is a detailed description of the method. Research indicates that detailed descriptions or pictures of the location or site of a suicide encourage imitation. Presenting suicide as the inexplicable act of an otherwise healthy or high-achieving person may encourage identification with the victim.
B. 49% or 39 stories
C. Seasonal Affective disorder
D. Manage your time effectively during the holidays, set reasonable limits regarding the purchase of gifts, resolutions really do work, remember holiday spirits
E. Death, separation, divorce, remarriage, and job-related separations
F. 25%
G. Distorted or depreciated sense of self and others, dependency, helplessness, egocentricity, fear of loss, ambivalence, difficulty in dealing with anger, self-blame, guilt, loss of autonomy, and distortions in family relations
H. Dependency, self-criticism, efficacy
I. The way it complicates and slows the recovery process
J. Combined vulnerability to feeling of loss and abandonment as well as self-criticism
K. Y-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-benzodiazepine (BZ) complex, serotonin (5-HT), norepinephrine, cholecystokinin, corticotropin-releasing factor, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, and neurosteriods
L. Muscle tension
M. Depression
N. Worry
O. Biochemical and physiological manipulations