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Appendix A - Reproducible Client Worksheets

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Best Case Scenario
Review CD Track 1 for more information on this technique.
Client reviews and utilizes the following procedures to get through a depressive state.
1.  Think about the best possible outcome to this situation and write it out on a scrap of paper.
2.  Put this scenario in a place she could easily see it. 
3.  Read the scenario whenever you need to feel motivated.

The Compassionate Perspective Technique
Review CD Track 2 for more information on this technique.
Client reviews and utilizes the following procedures to putting your struggle into perspective and give you a feeling of self worth, which may in turn help decrease the intensity of your depressive episodes.
1.  Take a good look at yourself through the lens of compassion.  Compassion exposes the essence of your humanness.  In order to really understand this concept, it helps to look at what you understand about yourself.  First, we all live in a world in which we must constantly struggle to meet basic needs or we will die.  Almost all of your energy goes into these basic needs.  You do the best you can with what you’ve got.  But the available strategies you have for meeting your needs are limited by what you know and don’t know, your conditioning, your emotional make-up, the degree of support you receive, your health, your sensitivity to pain and pleasure, and so on.  And throughout this struggle you are aware that both your intellectual and physical abilities will inevitably deteriorate and despite all your efforts you will die.  Remember, the same is true for everyone.
2.  Understand your self worth.  You carry on no matter what.  That is the key point.  In the face of struggle you carry on.  That’s why you’re still here today.  You continue to live and feel no matter what.  If you let this awareness soak in and really feel the struggle, you may begin to get a glimmer of your real worth.
3.  Understand that the degree of success is irrelevant.  The only thing that really counts is the effort.

Worry Time
Review CD track 5 for more information regarding this technique.
Client reviews and utilizes the following procedures to confront and move past distractions.
1.  Go into a quiet room so your family won’t bother you, not even for telephone calls. 
2.  Take 30 or 40 blank three-by-five cards and a pencil with you.  Then, just sit and relax.  As a worrier, you won’t have to do anything and before long worries will start buzzing around. 
3.  As the worries come, write each one down on one of the cards.  They don’t all have to be important worries.  They can be dumb worries or little worries, but whatever bothersome thought comes into your head, write it on a separate card. 
4.  Categorize your worries.  You might have one batch of worries about your finances, another for your relationships, and so on.  About three to seven categories should suffice. 
5.  Once you have your worries categorized, think about each group carefully and see what you can do with the worries in that group.  At the bottom of each card, write down what seems to be the best solution
6.  If you have concluded that you have done everything you can, write that down on your card next time.  You might write, ‘I have done everything I can.’ 

The "Looking Glass" Technique
Review CD track 7 for more information regarding this technique.
Client reviews and utilizes the following procedures to understand feelings of loss.
1.  Focus on yourself for several minutes, paying special attention to your feelings of loss.
2.  Focus on the person whom you feel loss.
3.  Imagine how that person feels about his or herself.
4.  Compare and contrast your perception of the person’s self image to how you feel about that person.


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