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SEA - Resilience: Techniques for Building Client Self-Esteem Post Test

Audio Transcript Questions The answer to Question 1 is found in Track 1 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 2 is found in Track 2 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question.
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Please note every section does not have an additional question below. Some sections may have more than one question.


1.1 Aside from standard interviewing techniques, what are other effective ways to obtain information from clients with self-esteem issues?
2.1 How can a therapist position the client to begin talking back to the critic?
2.2 What happens when the therapist makes the critical voice ego dysotonic, or something the client eventually rejects as ‘not me’?
3.1 What does the pathological critic begin with?
4.1 What are three techniques for responding assertively to criticism?
4.2 What are four steps to help acknowledge accurate criticism?
5.1 What does clouding involve?
5.2 What is the advantage of clouding?
5.3 What might the client feel when he/she first tries clouding?
6.1 What may be some helpful keywords when probing to clarify a critic’s intent?
7.1 When may clients find it difficult to observe and recognize their precise nature?
8.1 When is the sense of powerlessness deepened?
9.1 What is the basic point in “Investments in Maintenance” obstacle?
10.1 What does the client acknowledge in the “Acknowledging Personal Worth” stage for affirming self worth?
11.1 What may be two questions to consider regarding disconfirmation of a clients new status as a confident and assertive person?
12.1 What may be two results if a client does not resolve his feelings of powerlessness?
12.2 What are ways to rebuild a client’s responsibility and accountability?
12.3 What may be examples of statements used in the “Self-Evaluation” therapy strategy?
13.1 What technique may help a client get through his/her depressive state and ease her anxiety?
14.1 What is a slogan?

A. By emphasizing and strengthening the ability of the client to think realistically
B. Have the client self monitor his/herself and logically reconstructing the nature of self critical acts from their effects
C. An arsenal of should’s
D. The cognitive restructuring for self esteem becomes easier
E. 1) Say you’re right 2) paraphrase criticism so that the critic is sure you heard him or her correctly 3) thank critic, if appropriate 4) explain yourself
F. Acknowledgement, clouding, probing
G. It quiets critics without sacrificing the client's self esteem
H. A token agreement with the critic
I. Exactly, specifically, for example
J. He/she might feel guilty
K. When the destructive self criticism, that leads to low self esteem, is low standing
L. When instantaneous destructive self appraisals have been made
M. His/her own internal experience of human worth
N. The client’s destructive self critical acts are purposive
O. (1) He or she will continue to see themselves as a helpless victim with very few behavioral options (2) he or she will try to regain power by controlling others through aggressive or abusive behaviors
P. “Will the new status assigned to the client be a supported, or at least not disconfirmed by others in his or her world? If external disconfirmation seems likely, what procedures may be employed to help insulate the client from such disconfirmation?”
Q. I feel different from other people because of the abuse, I’m filled with anger, I’m afraid a lot of the time, My moods change all the time, I can’t control much of anything now, I can’t seem to get along with others.
R. Involve them in setting up the assessment appointment, developing the rules that we both would follow during treatment, planning his treatment, determining the extent and type of his participation in each session, deciding when to leave therapy
S. A highly condensed vehicle for crystallizing an important perspective or solution into a few words
T. ‘A Best Case Scenario’ technique

Course Content Manual Questions The answer to Question 21 is found in Section 21 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 22 is found in Section 22 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question

Please note every section does not have an additional question below. Some sections may have more than one question.


15.1 What two environmental factors are associated with repetition of sexual abuse?
16.1 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, what are the four major health problems that account for 72% of the mortalities in youth between the ages of 5 and 24?
16.2 Prevention initiatives can be…
16.3 What are four useful prevention approaches?
17.1 According to Chodorow, what are two major psychoanalytical theories on relationships?
17.2 According to Santrock, what are three things adolescents try to find out?
18.1 According to Powell, what is one key point concerning the individualization process for both girls and boys?
19.1 What are five types of parental behaviors viewed as constituting psychological abuse?
20.1 What is a negative ongoing relationship with the parent where the latter is critical, cold, hostile, or rejecting on a day-to-day basis?
21.1 When is an abuse “complex” rated?
23.1 What are three themes that were common to the participants of dance therapy?
23.2 What is one obstacle clients may experience in ‘dance therapy?’
25.1 What does it mean when a client is Spiritual healing?
26.1 According to Parham, what two movements characterize depression for some African Americans?

A. Motor vehicle crashes, unintentional injuries, homicides, suicides
B. Intrafamilial violence and child neglect
C. 1) Programs can focus exclusively on improving skills without directly addressing environmental variables; 2) programs can target both skills and the environment; 3) programs can have multiple components that target the relationships of youth with significant adults; 4) programs can have multiple components that target the group level rather than the individual level
D. Selective, universal, indicated
E. 1. Who they are 2. what they are about 3. where they are going
F. 1. The sexual gratification theory derived from Freud's Oedipal complex where the sexual drive of obtaining his or her parent is paramount; 2. the object relations theory which shifts the drive from sexual to relationships as objects other than self
G. Rejecting, isolating, terrorizing, ignoring, and corrupting a child or youth
H. A core 'sense of self' and 'separation of self' are complex processes that may be different for males and females depending on their social support or environment.
I. Only when psychological abuse formed an integral part of the same incident with either physical or sexual abuse
J. Antipathy
K. Outer focus
L. 1. Reconnection to Their Bodies 2. Permission to Play 3. Sense of Spontaneity
M. Hyperactivity as well as depressed psychomotor movement
N. Being at a place of peace, acknowledgment, and acceptance, knowing that one's entire life has intrinsic worth and purpose independent of the survivor's past with childhood incest