Ethical and Cultural Issues Arising from the Psychology of Terrorism- 3 Credit Hrs.
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TBH - Techniques for Teens Experiencing Harrassment by Peers Post Test

Audio Transcript Questions The answer to Question 1 is found in Track 1 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 2 is found in Track 2 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question.
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1.1 What are four factors related to the concept and development of cliques?
1.2 What are six signs that indicate it might be time to start searching for a new group of friends?
2.1 What are two icebreaker techniques?
3.1 What are the three different names that teens are labeled as in relational aggression?
3.2 What are steps to the ‘Confronting the Queen Bee’ technique?
4.1 What are the steps to compromising on media with your child?
5.1 What are some rapid response skills for dealing with ‘clique chicks’?
5.2 What are three steps to the ‘FAD Check’ technique?
6.1 What are some steps to the ‘Take Five’ technique used to deal with passive pressure tactics of silent treatments and ignoring used by the clique?
7.1 What are some ways a ‘clique chick’ might try to trigger your anxiety?

A. You are getting a bad reputation; the group tries to restrict friendships outside of the group; you feel stressed out from trying to ‘keep up’ with the group; your ‘friends’ are punishing you by ignoring you, calling you names, or being hurtful in some way as payback for not going along with the group; you prefer just to have a few close friendships; it is not fun anymore
B. The significance of cliques to adolescents, the development of cliques, girls\' cliques, boys\' clique
C. Gay, slut, and conceited
D. Compliments and being honest
E. Allow child to make several suggestions of popular entertainment in which he wants to participate, choose one, preview game, movie, album, then stay with child as he watches or plays it for the first time, share your values and opinions, prepare list of questions or topics you wish to discuss concerning violence, sexuality, or importance of discerning fantasy behavior from what is appropriate in daily lifestyle
F. Write down details of the relational aggression, including date and time and what was said; practice what you will say in front of the mirror; pick a place and time when you can talk to the clique leader alone, but where you feel safe; describe exactly what has been bothering you; tell the clique leader what you want him or her to do and not to do; always try to end with a compliment
G. If a fad is within your budget, looks great on you, and has your parent’s ok, there’s no reason not to go for it; don’t follow fads blindly; give yourself a reality check next time you go crazy because you just have to have that new dress and nothing else will do
H. Give clique chick the cold shoulder and concentrate on developing their own unique style, having the students remind him or herself about the literal meaning of the word ‘popular’ when she or he feels the clique squeeze, share techniques for dealing with clique chicks and the clique squeeze with other girls
I. By making vague references to something negative that may or may not happen, a subtle comparison between you and someone she seems to prefer
J. Since you may be in the bad habit of always responding to a request with a knee-jerk ‘yes,’ to the clique consider making a new rule for yourself that you need to break this habit; plan out a list of responses you can make to make sure you can take at least five minutes to consider any request the clique girls make; practice these phrases at home until you are comfortable using them; when a request is made, use one of your practiced phrases with a smile

Course Content Manual Questions The answer to Question 11 is found in Section 11 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 12 is found in Section 12 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question

Please note every section does not have an additional question below. Some sections may have more than one question.


8.1 What are two common approaches used to identify cliques?
8.2 Although popular opinion assumes that clique homogeneity is caused by peer influence, researchers have identified bidirectional forcest hat influence friendship similarity and peer group homogeneity. What are these two biodirectional forces?
9.1 What are some characteristics of a ‘real friend’?
10.1 According Adler, what are some aggressive strategies developed by students to protect or improve their own social positions and the boundaries of their peer group?
11.1 What might determine whether a friendship will have positive or deleterious developmental effects?
11.2 What does ‘rejection status’ mean?
13.1 What are some different types if crowds?
14.1 What are the qualities of the ‘most popular crowd’ kids?
17.1 What are some differences between boys’ friendships and girls’ friendships?
18.1 What parental characteristic was associated with lower odds of bullying?

A. selection (the attraction of people to those who are similar to themselves) and conformity (the power of influence)
B. Interviewing students about the social groups that they perceive in their school; asking students to make friendship nominations, and then mapping social networks based on these nominations
C. Gossiping, name calling, manipulating friendships, abandoning existing friendships for friendships with higher-status peers, bullying, and directing physical attacks on unpopular students or adversaries
D. Are interested in you as a person, not in something you can give them; value your well-being and never ask you to do something risky; are genuinely happy for you when things go well; apologize when they slip up with you; listen and care about what you say; make themselves available when you need help; respect your privacy; don’t expect you to be perfect; like you and accept you just the way you are; are liked by your family and others you trust
E. How well a student is generally liked by others and is not an index of whether a student has close friends or associates
F. The quality of the relationship and the characteristics of the friend
G. Cool clothes, attractive, funny, good in sports, outgoing, self-confident, tough, not attentive in class, worked hard for grades, smart, made fun of those who studied
H. Adolescent girls have a greater number of friends than do boys, they expect and desire more nurturing behavior from their friends, and experience more empathy, more self-disclosure, and less overt hostility in their friendships than do boys; boys\' friendships tend to be less intimate and more activity based than girls\' friendships
I. Jocks, preppies, populars, freaks, goths, losers, druggies, nerds
J. positive parental involvement (parents communicate well with their child and meet the child’s friends)