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PHO - Anxiety Diagnosis & Treatment of Phobias with Cognitive Restructuring Interventions Post Test

Audio Transcript Questions The answer to Question 1 is found in Track 1 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 2 is found in Track 2 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question.
Important Note! Underlined numbers below are links to that Section. If you leave this page, use your "Back" button to return to your answers, rather than clicking on a new "Answer Booklet" link. Or use Ctrl-N to open a new window and use a separate window to review content.

Please note every section does not have an additional question below. Some sections may have more than one question.


1.1 What does 'panic' refer to?
1.2 What are four examples of physiological correlates of panic?
1.3 What is the difference between 'fear' and 'anxiety'?
2.1 Regarding the Hoch's Paradox, what question did Hoch pose?
3.1 What may be used a ‘social window’ where clients can see his/her presentation of his/her social self?
3.2 What are examples of anxiety-provoking activies that a therapist might try with a client?
4.1 What techniques may help clients increase self-awareness by voluntarily choosing to distance themselves from their anxieties?
4.2 What is the ‘Thought Record’ technique for?
6.1 What are the first three sections of the dysfunctional thought record?
6.2 What is a major therapeutic aim under ‘Generating Alternative Interpretations’?
7.1 What is the basis of decatastrophizing?
7.2 If a client fears an inability to cope after you have attempted decatastrophizing, what might a therapist consider doing?
8.1 What are some attitudes and traits that make clients vulnerable to agoraphobia?
8.2 How may an agoraphobic client react to threat?
9.1 What might a therapist advise a client on how to realign him/herself?
10.1 Under DSM, what does the official definition of agoraphobia specify?
10.2 What do the first two features of social phobias involve?
11.1 What is the key factor in the activation of shame?
11.2 How can a therapist tell if a client does not feel shame?
12.1 Under ‘Performance Feedback,’ what are often accentuated by a negative response from the audience, and lead to a barrage of negative thoughts?
13.1 What is 'Decentering'?
14.1 What is an example of cognitive avoidance strategy?

A. Rapid pulse, dizziness, cold and profuse sweating, and tremors
B. An acute state of anxiety associated with other dramatic physiological, motor, and cognitive symptoms
C. ‘If anxiety is a signal that repressed instinctual forces have begun to erupt, why should the alarm burn down the house?’
D. Fear involves the intellectual appraisal of a threatening stimulus; anxiety involves the emotional response to that appraisal
E. Writing letters, filling out applications, writing outlines for speeches, and making a phone call
F. A mirror
G. For clients to learn how to trace their fears back to their original stimuli, and then to find out how he/she was frightening him/herself
H. The Third Person Referencing technique
I. To teach the client to consider possibilities other than his or her dire predictions of what may happen when the client is faced with the feared stimulus
J. The situation leading to phobia, the emotion felt and degree of emotion, and the automatic thought and degree of belief in the thought
K. Collaboratively developing a variety of strategies that the client can use to manage her phobia
L. To widen the range of information on which the client bases his forecasts
M. With weakness, and a desire to flee
N. Emphasis on self determination and a related hypersensitivity to control or interference
O. ‘Normal activities are increasingly constricted as the fears or avoidance behavior dominate the individual’s life.’
P. ‘Line up your images, choices, feelings, and actions and move them in concert toward acceptance. When one of the three is out of line, focus on the other two.’
Q. Exposure to observation by one or more persons
R. Disapproval or critical regard by others
S. The dysfunctional attitudes ‘interact’
T. If a client manages to conceal his/her ‘substandard’ behavior or engages in a shameful activity in private
U. Self talk, such as ‘Don’t think about it’
V. The process of having the client challenge the basic belief that he or she is the focal point of social events

Course Content Manual Questions The answer to Question 23 is found in Section 23 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 24 is found in Section 24 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question

Please note every section does not have an additional question below. Some sections may have more than one question.


15.1 According to National Phobics Society, what percentage of the adult population will deveop a specific phobia at some point in their lives?
16.1 According to Joseph LeDoux, what is ‘the hub in the wheel of fear’?
18.1 What are four stages of CBGT?
18.2 According to Clark & Wells, what are three cognitive stages that have been identified when people with social phobia are involved in social interactions?
19.1 According to Lazarus and Abramovitz, what is another variant of systematic desentization?
20.1 What does the intense fear of interaction trigger?
21.1 According to Diane Yapco, what may be more appropriate for individuals who manifest a chronic form of mustism, and for whom previous attempts at behavioral therapeutic interventions have been ineffective?
22.1 What is SpiderWorld?
23.1 What distinguishes a fear from a phobia?
24.1 According to the British Medical Association, what is not necessarily a major factor in informed consent, regarding performance of venepuncture?
25.1 According to Wald, what stage in life does driving phobia typically arise?
26.1 According to Ollendick, what are the five factors in the Fear Survey Schedule for Children- Revised (FSSC-R)?

A. The small, almond-shaped brain structure called the amygdala
B. 13%
C. (a) Anticipatory processing, (b) in-situation processing, (c) postmortem
D. (a) Teaching clients how to identify and dispute irrational thoughts; (b) role-playing fearful situations; (c) cognitive restructuring before and after role-playing; and (d) assigning homework aimed at confronting feared situations, followed by self-admin
E. Stomachaches, headaches, shaking, stammering, crying, or in severe cases—mutism
F. Emotive imagery
G. It is a virtual-reality environment created by Hunter Hoffman to help people conquer phobias as well as traumas inflicted by life
H. Fluoxetine
I. Age of client
J. The reaction from phobia is out of proportion to objective risk and causes impairment or disruption of daily life
K. (1) Fear of failure and criticism; (2) fear of the unknown; (3) fear of injury and small animals; (4) fear of danger and death; (5) medical fears
L. Early to middle adulthood