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CPA - Adoption: Techniques for Treating Adoptive Parent Issues Post Test

Audio Transcript Questions The answer to Question 1 is found in Track 1 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 2 is found in Track 2 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question.
Important Note! Underlined numbers below are links to that Section. If you leave this page, use your "Back" button to return to your answers, rather than clicking on a new "Answer Booklet" link. Or use Ctrl-N to open a new window and use a separate window to review content.

Please note every section does not have an additional question below. Some sections may have more than one question.


1.1 What is the “Feelings about Adoptions Technique”?
1.2 What is a “savior complex”?
2.1 Why do adopting agencies look for couples who have empathy?
2.2 In addition to commit and flexibility, adoptive parents should have empathy. What is the definition of empathy?
4.1 What should couples who are adopting keep in mind if they run into family opposition?
4.2 In the technique “Eight Things to Tell your Family,” what are some of the eight things that couples who are adopting should keep in mind?
4.3 In the case of international adoptions, why might some referrals be lost?
5.1 What are four techniques used to help adopting parents break the news about adoption to his/her family?
5.2 What are the steps taken in the Rating Technique?
6.1 How does the “Role Play” technique help prepare children for their adopted sibling?
6.2 Why do parents and professionals recommend waiting at least a year between adoptions?
7.1 To help an adopted child prepare for the big transition of moving into a new family, one technique that is suggested is the “Photo Album” technique. How does this technique help the adopted child prepare before moving in?
7.2 When preparing an adopted child’s room, what do many experienced parents warn about?
8.1 What is it that adopted children do during the honeymoon period?
8.2 What is one step that adopting parents can do to help the adopted child feel like one of the family?
9.1 In the “Dealing with Adoption Issue” technique, what are the labels of the two columns that the adopting parents should fill out to help them feel empathy for the adopted child?
9.2 In the “Story Book” technique, what should be included to help the adopted child form an attachment with their new family?
11.1 Why might adopted children be vigilant about going to sleep?
11.2 In general, children have many ways of avoiding bedtime, what are some tactics that parents can use to help their children go to bed?
12.1 Some reasons that adopted children may be picky eaters is because they are reeling from the loss of familiar foods, and they are angry at all they had to leave behind and feel out of control. What are some ways of handling picky eaters?
12.2 Why do some adopted children overeat?
13.1 What kind of ailments cause or aggravate bedwetting?
13.2 Soiling problems can be a means of control, but they also indicate what?

A. It’s provoked by love and fear for your future
B. An unrealistic expectation that the adopted child would be eternally grateful to his/her adopted parents for rescuing him/her
C. The birth-family reclaims a child from the orphanage
D. (1) chair dialogue; (2) write a letter; (3) reflection; (4) rating
E. Helps the couple identify some of their reasons for wanting to adopt by keeping a journal to catalog and identify their feelings
F. Sexual or physical abuse
G. Allowing the children to read, look at picture books, or nighttime banter
H. (1) core issues that the adopted child might deal with such as grief, loss, rejection, issues of identity, and intimacy or control; (2) thoughts regarding each issue
I. Overwhelming a newly arrived child with too many clothes or toys
J. It allows the first child a chance to adjust before another child joins the family
K. Make a list of important people in your life and rate, from most to least, rate the amount of support you feel you can expect from them, and write in a journal your hopes and ideal response from that family member or friend
L. Parents who are able to draw on their own issues of separation and loss may be better equipped to handle their child’s emotional needs.
M. The ability to identify mentally with a person so that you can understand his or her feelings
N. Diabetes, seizure disorders, sickle cell anemia, kidney failure, spina bifida, mental retardation, and autism
O. Give them the control by taking them grocery shopping to choose what kind of food they want or, if they are old enough, let them prepare their own simple meals
P. Time and date of parents birth, any siblings they have, chapters on children that they had, chapter on why they decided to adopt, and a chapter on the child that they adopted
Q. Some children fear being moved in their sleep, and some children know that being asleep makes them vulnerable. Once a child becomes confident that he or she will not have to leave, the sleep problems gradually subside.
R. They are experiencing feelings of emptiness from their losses and are subconsciously trying to fill that emptiness with food, or because the food is offered and they feel uncomfortable saying no
S. Children are on near-perfect behavior and they size up their parents
T. It teaches the children how to confront their new sibling about any conflicts they may have
U. Be sure of what you want before you tell your family, bring up some of your own concerns about adoption and how you addressed them, acknowledge the risk involved in adopting an older child, explain any of the child’s known disabilities
V. The photos helps the adopted children familiarize themselves with their new family and home and assure them that the right people are picking them up
W. Assign the adopted child chores to be responsible for

Course Content Manual Questions The answer to Question 24 is found in Section 24 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 25 is found in Section 25 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question

Please note every section does not have an additional question below. Some sections may have more than one question.


15.1 What are two approaches that provide the earliest possible permanency for children in foster care?
15.2 What are four documented benefits of concurrent planning?
16.1 How does Weinberg describe homophobia?
16.2 According to Plummer and Calhoun, how is heterosexism dangerous and pervasive?
17.1 What is the primary solution to the African orphan crisis?
18.1 Why is there a fear that adoptions would fail?
18.2 In adoption literature, what is the term “disruption” commonly referred to as?
19.1 What right of the child is protected in co-parent or second-parent adoption?
20.1 What has contributed to the relatively low number of White American children available for adoption?
22.1 In the cognitive behavioral intervention, what techniques are adopted parents taught to decrease unacceptable behavior and increase acceptable behavior?
26.1 What is the second priority for adoption services research?
27.1 What are the three provisions that are specific to interjurisdictional adoption issues that ASFA includes?

A. It is fueled by the belief that dissolutions were apt to increase dramatically as caseworkers sought adoptive homes for children who early had been considered unadoptable
B. Foster-adoptive programs and concurrent planning
C. It effectively silences gay men and lesbians, placing them outside of society and privileges heterosexual men and women
D. Development of information necessary to increase adoptive placements
E. To maintain continuing relationships with both parents
F. Build sustainable, community-based programs to care for the children
G. Using praise and rewards, ignoring bad behavior, and by setting firm limits and using ‘logical consequences’ and problem solving.
H. Contraceptives, liberalized abortion laws, and increased social acceptance of single parenthood
I. Shortening the length of time in care of the child by full disclosure with birth parents about out-of-home care on children, enhancing comfort with communication between birthparents and caregivers, greater likelihood of relinquishments, and using permanency planning families who assume the major risks of uncertainty of placement outcome for the child instead of the child bearing the risk.
J. The removal of a child from an adoptive placement before the adoption has been legalized
K. The fear by heterosexuals when in near proximity to homosexuals, and the self-hatred felt by gays because of their homosexuality
L. assurances in state plans’ that a state will not delay or deny placement of a child for adoption when an approved family is available in a different state or locality; assurances that the state will develop plans for effective use of cross-jurisdictional resources to facilitate permanent placements of waiting children; and make ineligible for certain federal funds any state that is found to deny or delay the placement of a child for adoption when approved family is available in another jurisdiciton