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DY - Treating Dysthymia in Children & Adults with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Post Test

Audio Transcript Questions The answer to Question 1 is found in Track 1 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 2 is found in Track 2 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question.
Important Note! Underlined numbers below are links to that Section. If you leave this page, use your "Back" button to return to your answers, rather than clicking on a new "Answer Booklet" link. Or use Ctrl-N to open a new window and use a separate window to review content.

Please note every section does not have an additional question below. Some sections may have more than one question.


1.1 According to the National Institute of Health, what percentage of the population is affected by depression in a given year?
2.1 What might be three interventions to consider using with a depressed client who has problems making decisions?
3.1 Why might the “Zen” method be helpful for clients with dysthymia?
4.1 What are steps to the SQ3R strategy for clients dealing with depression?
5.1 What may be three benefits for using the ABC technique?
5.2 What may be some questions to ask clients about their unproductive thoughts?
5.3 What might the model of the cognitive triad help a client understand?
6.1 What are the different changes as a client changes their lens from a negative to a positive focus?
7.1 How might visualizing a mudslide help clients?
8.1 What are examples of goals that other people may set for client but may not be the right goal for them?
8.2 What does the KISS technique mean?
9.1 What are the last three steps to the KISS technique?
9.2 What are four steps to the Make an Approach Plan with a client?
10.1 What does the O, C, and A mean in the Time Management Technique?
11.1 What are five components of problem solving?
11.2 What are two therapeutic exercises in “Creating a Problem Horoscope” component?
12.1 What are three guiding principles when teaching patients the techniques of brainstorming?
14.1 What are six steps clients may use to define a problem and formulate a test?
15.1 How might the 6 Step Decision Making Process help a client with depression?
16.1 How is the Thought Turning technique useful for clients?
17.1 What may be a crucial issue in depression?
18.1 What does the Self-Comparisons Analysis teach clients?

A. Alphabet action, coin toss, a consequences list
B. 10%
C. Skim material, ask yourself specific questions, read the material in detail, recite what you have just read, recall
D. It focuses upon the present, rather than focusing upon a past fear or future anxiety
E. What did the event mean to you? What did you tell yourself during and after it? What were you expecting to happen that didn't, or what weren't you expecting that did happen? What did that mean to you? Did this situation remind you of something that had happened to you before and turned out poorly? Did it push a button, or hit a sore spot?
F. Use it to explain any emotional state that baffles you, enables you to move from tracking your thoughts to paying attention to the thoughts while you are thinking them, helps you recognize the types of unproductive thoughts that bring depression
G. 1. realistic cognitions 2. increased hope 3. which increases self-esteem 4. results in more appropriate behaviors which 5 begin to interact in a positively reinforcing system.
H. The interaction of the patient's negative views of self, world or experience of the future
I. Losing ten pounds because their mother wants them to, taking an aerobics class because their friend does, returning to school because their brother thinks they should
J. Help clients see the pattern of their behavior as a trend in a downward mood, and not just as an isolated event
K. Make and approach plan, schedule their steps, do what they have planned
L. Keep it small and simple
M. Obligation, choice, automatic
N. 1) establish checkpoints 2) predict problems and obstacles 3) prepare for the task 4) plan some rewards
O. Constructing a list of various areas of client’s life in which potential problems frequently can occur, ask client to predict the specific areas from list where they most likely experience problems
P. 1. Creating a Problem "Horoscope" 2. Problem Definition and Formulation 3. Generation of Alternatives 4. Decision Making 5. Solution Implementation and Verification.
Q. 1. Seek all available facts and information concerning when she overeats 2. Try to locate the source of her overeating 3. Describe the facts in clear and unambiguous terms 4. Identify the factors that actually make the situation a problem 5. Differentiate relevant from irrelevant information and objective facts from unverified inferences, assumption, and interpretations 6. Set realistic problem-solving goals.
R. 1. The quantity principle 2. The deferment-of-judgment principle 3. The strategy-tactics procedure.
S. Assists clients in aborting a depressive episode and create some pain-free time
T. Goal achievement, implementation, personal consequences, social consequences, short-term consequences, long-term consequences
U. Negative self-comparisons, together with a sense of helplessness, cause their sadness
V. Whether your client interprets contemporary events in their lives accurately, or instead distorts them in such a manners as to make them seem more negative than they really are

Course Content Manual Questions The answer to Question 23 is found in Section 23 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 24 is found in Section 24 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question

Please note every section does not have an additional question below. Some sections may have more than one question.


21.1 What may be some interventions for working with depressed patients?
23.1 What are seven steps to the Lets Get Organized Method which can assist in treating clients who are frozen into inactivity?
24.1 What percentage of suicide attempters show warning signs?
25.1 What are some feelings clients experience when they have the emotional energy to flee a situation?
26.1 What are some steps to keep in mind when you want something?
30.1 What does SSRI mean?
31.1 What are examples of SSRI’s?
31.2 What are the most common side effects of SSRI’s?

A. Plan, prioritize, delegate, stop assuming unwanted responsibility, combine or condense activities whenever possible, respect the amount of time spent “lost in thought,” respect your inner time clock
B. 1. Visualization/Ideokinetic Facilitation 2. Progressive Relaxation 3. Body Awareness 4. Breathing 5. Stretching 6. Rhythmic Movement.
C. Terror, anxiety, timidity, shyness, withdrawal, reticence, apprehension, grieving
D. 70%
E. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
F. 1. Focus all your attention on what you want. Be interested in it. Be “obsessed by it.”2. Visualize and imagine yourself doing or having whatever it is you desire 3. Be enthusiastic about getting and having it 4. Know exactly what you want. Write down a detailed description. Draw pictures. Make models.
G. Nauseau diarrhea, agitation, insomnia, headache
H. Fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline, citalopram, fluvoxamine