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SCR - Schizophrenia: Practical Strategies for Relapses & Reducing Symptoms Post Test

Audio Transcript Questions The answer to Question 1 is found in Track 1 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 2 is found in Track 2 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question.
Important Note! Underlined numbers below are links to that Section. If you leave this page, use your "Back" button to return to your answers, rather than clicking on a new "Answer Booklet" link. Or use Ctrl-N to open a new window and use a separate window to review content.

Please note every section does not have an additional question below. Some sections may have more than one question.


1.1 What are symptoms of schizophrenic clients?
1.2 According to studies, what percentage of schizophrenic clients, display Schneider’s symptoms?
1.3 What are four main subtypes of schizophrenics?
2.1 What technique might help a client minimize their level of apathy and perhaps boost their energy level?
2.2 What are steps to the “Communication Skills Building” technique to help reduce the negative symptoms of reductions in speech?
3.1 What can clients do to improve upon their reduced social performances?
4.1 What are four coping strategies to help a client in dealing with prejudice and stereotypes?
5.1 What might be five signs of relapse for schizophrenic clients?
5.2 What are healthy habits to help prevent relapse?
6.1 What are steps for a ‘relapse prevention plan’?
8.1 What might a client’s self talk include to deal with positive symptoms of psychosis?
9.1 How can an individual make a conversation easier for a schizophrenic client to follow?
10.1 What are questions to help discover a client’s points of view?
11.1 What is a strategy for coping with anger that is related to delusions?
12.1 What are steps to the ‘Name That Emotion’ technique to help a client with social cognition?
13.1 What are steps for improving leisure and recreation?

A. 75%
B. Auditory hallucinations, auditory hallucinations with two voices arguing, auditory hallucinations with the voices commenting on one’s actions, hallucinations of touch when the bodily sensation is imposed by some external agency, withdrawal of thoughts from one’s mind, believing one’s thoughts are being broadcast to others, insertion by others of feelings into one’s mind feeling that all one’s actions are under the control of others, and delusions of perception
C. Energizer technique
D. Schizophrenia, disorganized schizophrenia, catatonic schizophrenia, undifferentiated schizophrenia
E. Shower daily, use deodorant, keep your hair clean, stay clean shaven, brush your teeth daily, wear clean clothes, take off your coat whenever you are in a heated room
F. Practice listening to people when they speak, repeat back to people what you hear, follow-up questioning, when you find yourself not knowing what to ask, remember who, what, when, where, how, and why
G. Change in appetite, weight loss, decreased or increased sleep, disturbed sleep, changes in energy level
H. Education, overcoming shame, support, decide who you want and need to tell about your schizophrenia
I. Meet to discuss the concern about client’s early warning signs, evaluate whether client is taking his medication regularly and, if necessary, plan how to deal with any non-adherence, evaluate client for alcohol or drug use, evaluate stress, if the early warning signs until the problem is resolved
J. Take medication as prescribed, go to your therapy sessions, keep your doctor appointments, reduce stress, take one step at a time, do enjoyable activities, do not use drugs or alcohol, get plenty of sleep with a regular sleep schedule, eat foods that are healthy, exercise ten to twenty minutes a day, talk with your family and friends, know your own signs of relapse, build a routine into your day
K. Be brief and stick to one topic at a time, keep communication simple and direct and avoid complex language and roundabout introductions to topics of conversation
L. Remember that he had control, changing behavior, implementing positive thinking
M. Validation
N. I’m interested in your perspective. How would you describe this situation from your point of view? What do you think? What’s your opinion? What do you think might be some possible solutions?
O. Identify the benefits of leisure and recreation, explore possible activities that the client may enjoy, select an activity and develop a plan for the client to try it, follow up on how the activity was enjoyed, make another plan to try the activity or choose a new activity, when an enjoyable activity has been found, develop a regular routine
P. Use explicit feeling statements, discuss social norms, have client practice facial expressions

Course Content Manual Questions The answer to Question 17 is found in Section 17 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 18 is found in Section 18 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question

Please note every section does not have an additional question below. Some sections may have more than one question.


15.1 Approximately how many families are members of the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill today, to help deal with schizophrenia in their families?
15.2 What does the term ‘expressed emotions’ refer to?
16.1 What are the most serious symptoms of schizophrenia?
16.2 What is the percentage of patients who do not respond to drugs at all or quit because of the side effects?
16.3 What are good results of cognitive behavioral therapy?
18.1 What percentage of the general population report experiencing auditory hallucinations at some time?
18.2 What are two examples of critical-1 phrases that patients might report hearing?
19.1 What are six questions to keep in mind when you (cognitive therapist) want to complete a thorough functional analysis of the patient’s behavior?
20.1 What is a form of psychosocial treatment?
21.1 According to Gorham, what is the primary measure of psychopathology?
22.1 What might be a primary goal of mental health and rehabilitative services?
22.2 Self-stigma leads to automatic thoughts and negative emotional reactions such as...
23.1 What are three processes that influence the cognitive structures of stigma?
25.1 What might be the most common reason for early mortality in schizophrenia?
26.1 According to Black, what percentage of schizophrenia clients will attempt suicide?
26.2 What is the percentage of schizophrenia clients that will commit suicide?
26.3 According to Buelow, what are three of the primary clinical situations that call for a referral to a psychiatrist?
26.4 What percentage of clients with schizophrenia, receive antidepressant medication after reporting depressive symptoms?

A. Signs of hostility, criticism, and intrusiveness or over involvement on the part of relatives
B. 30,000
C. 40%
D. Limited speech, slowed thinking, constricted emotional expression, passivity, apathy
E. 5-25%
F. Cognitive behavioral therapy twice weekly for 10 weeks was compared with counseling and routine care. It was more effective in reducing schizophrenic symptoms after one year, although supportive counseling appeared equally effective after two years, Nine months of cognitive behavioral therapy was compared with standard treatment and supportive therapy. The cognitive behavioral therapy reduced schizophrenic symptoms more, and patients preferred it by a large margin, After only 10 days of training in cognitive behavioral therapy, psychiatric nurses treated schizophrenic patients for 2-3 months. Compared with standard care, the treatment lowered their rate of depression, although it did not improve psychotic symptoms or reduce the burden of care
G. How are they spending their time? What do they take pleasure in? What helps create feelings of mastery? What would they like to do more of but currently find difficult to do? What do they not like to do? What do people in their lives want them to do more often?
H. ‘Jerk’ ‘loser’
I. The Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale
J. Family psychoeducation
K. Shame, low self-esteem, diminished efficacy
L. To assist people in accomplishing their work, independent living, and relationship goals
M. Suicide
N. Groupness, homogeneity, stability
O. 15%
P. 18-55%
Q. 45%
R. Evidence of severe psychotic behavior, current suicidal ideation, severe depression with a history of suicide attempts