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Appendix - Reproducible Client Worksheets

Test | Table of Contents

Skills for Conflict Resolution
Review CD track 1 for more information regarding this technique.
Client reviews and utilizes the following procedures to learn skills for conflict resolution,
1.  Explain your needs openly.
2.  Suggest a trial run or time limit.
3.  Choose your battles.
4.  Let the person you are caring for make as many decisions as possible.

Guidelines for Working with Healthcare Professionals
Review CD track 1 for more information regarding this technique.
Client reviews and utilizes the following procedures to work effectively with healthcare professionals involved with HIV treatment.
1.  Be clear about what you want and get to the point as soon as possible.
2.  Have ready all the information healthcare professionals may need when you call.
3.  Bring lists of medicines to appointments.
4.  Be firm and straightforward about getting the information and help you need.

Taking Care of Personal Emotional Needs
Review CD track 2 for more information regarding this technique.
Client reviews and utilizes the following procedures to maintain emotional health.
1.  Understand that someone else’s depression is not your fault.
2.  Schedule some positive experiences for yourself.
3.  Get the companionship you need.
4.  Talk to your counselor or psychologist, if necessary.

Decreasing Depression
Review CD track 2 for more information regarding this technique.
Client reviews and utilizes the following procedures to reduce the severity of depression.
1.  Encourage participation in pleasant experiences.
2.  Set reasonable goals to promote a sense of accomplishment.
3.  Point out negative thinking.
4.  Support efforts to control negative thoughts.

Techniques For Controlling Negative Thoughts
Review CD track 3 for more information regarding this technique.
Client reviews and utilizes the following procedures to decrease negative thinking.
1.  Thought Stopping:  When you find yourself thinking negative thoughts, mentally yell, "STOP!"  or visualize a large stop sign.
2.  Arrange a Time and Place for Negative Thoughts: 

  1. Find a place for negative thinking.  Eliminate your bedroom and the place where you eat.
  2. Schedule a time each day for thinking negative thoughts.
  3. Set a time limit of about fifteen minutes per day for thinking negative thoughts.

3.  Distraction:  Involve yourself with something else to replace negative thinking.  This can be an activity, or you can relax and visualize yourself on vacation, for example.
4.  Argue Against Negative Thoughts

  1. Ask yourself if you really believe the negative thought.
  2. Consider every reason why the thought may be exaggerated or untrue.
  3. Review the evidence and evaluate your thinking.

5.  Problem Solving:  Implement this problem solving addition along with your current strategy for problem solving.

  1. Use creativity in dealing with obstacles.
  2. Try to remain optimistic and realistic.
  3. Develop an orderly plan and review it for its level of reasonability.
  4. Use as much expert information as possible to find solutions to problems. 

Providing Care for a Friend or Family Member with AIDS Dementia Complex
Review CD track 4 for more information regarding this technique.
Client reviews and utilizes the following procedures to help an HIV positive friend or relative with AIDS Dementia Complex.
1.  Provide a calm, stable home environment.
2.  Help cope with a failing memory.
3.  Maintain a safe environment.
4.  Consider advance directives.

Suicide Evaluation and Prevention
Review CD track 5 for more information regarding this technique.
Client reviews and utilizes the following procedures to evaluate a friend or family member for suicidal tendencies and prevent suicide.
1.  Ask the person if they are thinking about suicide.
2.  Ask the person how they plan to commit suicide.
3.  Evaluate the person’s answers.
4.  If you find out that the person has a plan or if you have any reason to believe that he or she might have suicidal tendencies, do not leave him or her alone until he or she agrees not to carry out the plan without discussion. 
5.  Call a suicide crisis line.

Overcoming Substance Abuse
Review CD track 6 for more information regarding this technique.
Client reviews and utilizes the following procedures to help an HIV positive friend or family member in overcoming substance abuse. 
1.  Avoid nagging or preaching.
2.  Encourage honesty and positive thinking.
3.  Follow the steps for promoting self affirmation.

  1. Encourage your friend or family member to love themselves.
  2. Lead by example and demonstrate self love in your own life.
  3. Offer positive affirmation to your friend or family member.

4.  Support the process of change by encouragement, evaluating small accomplishments and helping your friend or family member set reasonable goals.

The "Moving Beyond Guilty Feelings" Technique
Review CD track 7 for more information regarding this technique.
Client reviews and utilizes the following procedures to feel less guilty about the death of a friend or a family member from HIV/AIDS.
1.  Identify as many guilty feelings as you can.
2. Analyze the guilty feelings you identified.
3. Dispute the guilty feelings you identified.
4. Replace the guilty feelings with new, positive feelings.

Table of Contents