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Appendix - Reproducible Client Worksheets

Test | Table of Contents

Affirming Self Worth

Review CD Track 10 for more information on this technique.

Client reviews and utilizes the following procedures to affirm self worth.

1.  Eliminate the idea of self worth.

2.  Unrestrict the idea to global self worth.

3.  Acknowledge your own personal worth by recalling a past incident where you felt worthy.

4.  Gain a compassionate perspective in which everyone’s worth is equal.

Becoming Aware of Discontent

Review CD track 3 for more information regarding this technique.

Client reviews and utilizes the following procedures to increase his awareness of what you want from an intimate relationship.

1.  Experience your feelings.

2.  Define what you want.

3.  Rediscover old strategies for coping.

Uncertainty Training

Review CD track 5 for more information regarding this technique.

Client reviews and utilizes the following procedures to foster a tolerance for uncertainty.

1.  Examine the costs and benefits of uncertainty.

2.  Flood yourself with uncertainty.

3.  Avoid thought stopping.

The Speaker Listener Technique

Review CD track 13 for more information regarding this technique.

Client reviews and utilizes the following procedures to communicate effectively.

1.  The Speaker has the floor.

2.  Share the floor.

3.  No problem Solving.

4.  Avoid Mind reading.

5.  Don’t go on and on.

6.  Stop and let the listener paraphrase.

Table of Contents